100,102,104Cd run 2008

Target issues
* Target number #387 LaC, laser ionisation, special quartz line for alkalis suppression
* Beam on target (no converter)
* Mass markers: Cs and Cd
HRS separator
* RFQ cooler operated in cw mode
* Uht(
HRS,CCV)=30.31 kV, Uht(HRS,HT_source)=30.32 kV, Uht(HRS,HT_target)=30.3192 kV, Uht(RFQ cooler)=30.20 kV, RFQ extraction=0 V, Uht(trap)=30.00kV, Elec05=170 V

Experimental issues
*  Beam to Miniball
*  IS418
* Delivered beams: 104Cd25+, 102Cd25+ and 100Cd24+; 1-2% of In contamination

REX Tuning

* Normal extraction from EBIS 
* REXTRAP timing free-running relative to protons pulses

     Low energy
            133Cs HRS.FC490=790pnA, CA0.FC68=737 pA (93% RFQ transmission)
HRS.FC490 to trap inj plate ~90%

Stable 133Cs
            Tperiod=153 ms, Tbeamgate=5 ms, Tbreeding=150 ms (almost optimised for 32+)
            Trap inj plate=5.4 pA (with beamgate), RFQ.FC20=18 pA
            Trap+EBIS eff=10.5%   

Stable beam 114Cd
            Tperiod = 70ms, Tbreed = 69ms, Tbeamgate = 3.5ms
             Icoll=205 mA, Trap inj plate=17.5pA (with beamgate)
             Trap+EBIS 13.7% efficiency for 114Cd25+

Radioactive 104Cd25+ (15 of 35 proton pulses, 1E13 ppp)
            Tperiod=70 ms, Tbreed=69 ms (optimized for 25+)
            4 pA on trap inj plate, ~10 pA on RFQ.FC20, ~~6 pA on XL65.FC20
            Miniball saw 4E6 pps (with collimators; up to 10 pA without collimators and more protons)

Radioactive 102Cd25+ (15 of 35 proton pulses, 2.5E13 ppp)
            Tperiod=70 ms, Tbreed=69 ms (optimized for 25+)
            ~0.9 pA on RFQ.FC20, ~~0.6 pA on XL65.FC20
            Miniball saw 1E6 pps for ~2 uA proton beam

Radioactive 100Cd24+ (2 uA proton beam)
            Tperiod=60 ms, Tbreed=59 ms
            no beam seen on FCs, only on MCP

     Linac transmission and energy: 
70% RFQ.FC20 to XL65.FC50 at 2.88 MeV/u
9 mm lead/tantalum collimator ~4 cm before the MB target frame (always present)
            part of the beam time in addition linac collimators were inserted

     Total transmission (radioactive beam)
HRS.FC490_to_trap x Trap_EBIS x Linac 

Setting summary
HRS we used:

REX low energy settings saved as:
* REX-30kV-2008-09-10_133HRS_prel.xml
* BTS-30kV-2008-09-10_133

REX separator and linac settings saved as:

* 080918_1857_100Cd24+_2.87MeVu_MB.csv
* 080918_1857_SEP_100Cd24+_2.87MeVu_MB.csv

Technical problems
* Magnet control to HRS.MAG60 stopped working
* Had to change 9-gap phase back and forth between 0 and 15 deg
NICE account was blocked before the run
* 7-gap 1 tuner had tube had to be repaired before the run

 / Lessons learned
* Linac running very stably. Only a few restarts of the 9-gap. Automatic restart of IHS present.
* For linac setup we made use of very similar charge bred A/q-beams and not residual gases. In fact, no scaling was done between stable 133Cs32+ and radioactive 104Cd25+.