run 2008
Target issues
* Target number #385 UCx, plasma, cold
* Beam on target (no converter)
* Mass markers: Ar/Xe mixture
* RFQ cooler operated in cw mode
* Uht(
202Rn: 1.3e5 at/uC
204Rn: 6.0e6 at/uC
(NOT corrected for the alfa branching ratio and for
60% RFQ cooler transmission)
Experimental issues
* Beam to Miniball
* IS465
REX Tuning
* REXTRAP timing free-running relative to protons pulses
Low energy
transmission (
beam 181Ta
Tperiod=140ms, Tbeamgate=14ms, Tbreeding=129ms
(optimized for 40+)
Trap inj. plate=60pA (without beamgate),
Trap+EBIS efficiency=6%
Radioactive 204Rn (3E13 ppp, 9 out of 40 pulses)
Tperiod=205 ms, beam gate open, Tbreed=200
ms (not optimized for 47+)
inj plate=~2 pA (average), RFQ.FC20(47+)=~2.4 pA (average)
trap+EBIS eff~2.6%
Optimum for Tperiod=250
ms, Tbreed=255 ms => => trap+EBIS
Decided to run with higher repetition rate to avoid dead-time in
Did not make use of slow extraction.
Linac transmission and energy:
RFQ.FC20 to XL65.FC50 for 204Rn at 2.28 MeV/u
RFQ.FC20 to XL65.FC50 for 204Rn at 2.80 MeV/u
RFQ.FC20 to XL65.FC50 for 202Rn at 2.80 MeV/u
RFQ.FC20 to XL65.FC50 for 202Rn at 2.28 MeV/u
9 mm lead/tantallum collimator ~4 cm before the MB target frame (always
transmission (radioactive beam)
0.72*0.026*(0.5 or 0.3 or 0.7 or
0.7, see above)=0.3% to 1.3%
Delivered beams
and 202Rn47+; both without contaminations
204Rd47+: 9/40 proton pulses, 1.7e13 ppp =>
RFQ.FC20 ~3.2 pA, XBEN.FC100=1.5 pA,
XL65.FC50=1.3 pA
202Rd47+: 13/40 proton pulses, 3e13 ppp =>
saw beam on
end of the linac ~0.2pA. The beam could be seen on PPAC.
Estimated beam intensities at Miniball online
= ~1E5 (204) and 3E4 (202) pps (orders of magnitude)
Setting summary
REX low energy settings saved as:
* REX-30kV-2008-08-28_
* BTS-30kV-2008-08-28_
* EBIS settings attached
REX separator and linac settings saved as:
* None of the saved settings should be used
in the future due to low beam transmission and current regulation of the magnets instead
of field regulation.
Technical problems
* Target yield dropped a factor 10 between the start of the A=202 and the
end of the A=202 run.
* Hall-probes for XSEP.MD100 and XBEN.MD120 behaved
non-linearly. Unplugging the power to the power supply to cures the problem.
* The 9-gap amplifier broke during the first night. Was then repaired but broke
again on Tuesday morning during an intervention.
* Linac scaling problems and ‘charging up’ behaviour hampered
the transmission significantly.
Comments /
Lessons learned
* By changing the focusing in the first
quads in the
* Difficult to setup low energy when no mass marker in the mass region is
available. We managed because of 181Ta out from the target/ion source.
* The machine should have been setup for slow extraction; then we could have
increased the breeding time and therefore the efficiency.
* Never touch a running machine.