30, 31Mg run Sep 2007


Target issues:

* #362 UCx, MK8, laser ionisation

* K and Mg mass markers

* HRS separator

* Yield values:

            Yield measurement gave             31Mg of 2.3E5 part/uC protons

                                                            No yield measurement for 30Mg 

Miniball measured between 4200 and 13000 31Mg/s

            Overall REX efficiency therefore between 1.8 and 5.6%

                        (REX-estimated efficiency 0.9*0.12*0.5~5%)


Experimental issues:

* Miniball

* IS409 and IS410

* 30Mg7+ and 31Mg9+


REX issues:

breeding time, efficiency and currents:    

HRS.FC490= 140 pA, CA0.FC68=148 pA, trap inj plate 135 pA (tested with 39K)              

HRS-REX transmission >90%


Normal EBIS extraction used throughout all run

Breeding times 28.5 ms for Mg9+ and 15 ms for Mg7+


39K10+ (stable)

Tperiod=30 ms, Tbeamgate=5 ms, Tbreed=14 ms (optimized)

I(inj plate)=21 pA, BTS.FC20=10.5pA, RFQ.FC20=26pA =>

TRAP+EBIS eff= 12.4%


24Mg9+ (stable)

Tperiod=30 ms, Tbeamgate=15 ms, Tbreed=28.5 ms (optimized)

I(inj plate)=17 pA, RFQ.FC20=20 pA => TRAP+EBIS eff= 12-14%


* no currents measured on any FCs for 31Mg

* 1-3 pA on trap inj plate for 30Mg


linac energy and transmission:

For 31Mg9+       3.0 MeV/u         50-60% transmission for A/q=3.5 pilot beam


For 30Mg7+       2.275 MeV/u      61% transmission for A/q=4 pilot beam

1.91 MeV/u       60% transmission for A/q=4 pilot beam

1.56 MeV/u       60% transmission for A/q=4 pilot beam


Technical problems:

* The IHS amplifier stopped occasionally when operating with the high A/q-value due to cavity sparking.

* Difficult to find a stable and efficient transmission for the linac. Suspected charging up of beam elements in the QP before the RFQ. Quadrupole XRFQ.QS50 was grounded during the run, hence the low linac transmission.


Comments and lessons learned

* A smooth run where different beam energies could be delivered.