10,11Be run Nov 2006


Target issues:

* Ta #340, MK8, laser ionisation

* Li and Be mass markers

* HRS in BH15 mode (fast mode)

* Yield values:

            The experiment estimated ~5E4 11Be/s at their setup

            Into the trap we measured ~1 pA (large error bars) -> 6E6 11Be/s

            => total efficiency ~1%, a factor 3 lower than REX estimates with stable beam



Experimental issues:

* Second beam line

* IS438 and IS444



REX issues:

isotopes run:     10Be3+ stripped to 4+ after 9-gap (C 25ug/cm^2) to suppress remaining 20Ne and 40Ar

                        11Be4+ also stripped after 9-gap (C 25ug/cm^2) to suppress 22Ne, 11B?


breeding time and extraction:      15 ms for Be3+ and 25 ms for Be4+

                                                slow extraction, ramping time 550 us

                                                RF on for 800 us

                                                Only 20 Hz repetition rate due to conservative operation


efficiency and currents:



With Tperiod=20 ms, Tgate=10 ms, Tbreed=12 ms and ~10 pA on trap injection plate, the total efficiency ~15%


7Li3+    With Tperiod=20 ms, Tgate=10 ms, trap inj plate 61 pA

            BTS.FC20=15 pA => trap eff =25%
            with Tbreed=18 ms, RFQ.FC20=11 pA => EBIS eff=24.4%

            Total efficiency >6%

7Li2+    optimal Tbreed for 7Li2+ was 7 ms, total efficiency 3.4%


9Be3+ with Tperiod=50 ms, Tgate=5ms, Tbreed=15 ms, trap inj plate 56 pA => 5% total efficiency


Radioactive 10Be3+ with 22Ne buffer gas

            HRS.FC490 = 50-70pA
            Injection plate = 50pA
            BTS.FC20 = 12pA
            RFQ.FC20 = 10pA (2.5pA background)
            Trap+EBIS eff = 5%
            BL2.FC10 = 6.0pA (0.4pA background)
            Users FC = 2.6pA
            Linac eff (6-0.4)/4+ / 7.5/3+ = 56%


Radioactive 10Be3+ with 4He buffer gas

            Injection plate ~60 pA

            The trap efficiency is around 10% (down a factor ~2)

            RFQ.FC20 ~4 pA 3+ (background of 1 pA substracted).

            Trap+EBIS eff = 2.2%

            Total efficiency down about a factor 2 compared with Ne gas

            At BL2.FC10 ~2 pA (10Be4+)


11Be currents 

            Trap injection plate 1-2 pA

No current seen at least after the low energy part.

            Count rate: 5-10/s on experiment target


linac transmission and energy:

            10Be3+ 2.93MeV/u 82%

            11Be4+ 2.92MeV/u 80%

            11Be4+ 2.71MeV/u 77%



Technical problems:

* RILIS unstable

* Ran out of 22Ne gas (part of it inexplicably wasted when remounting gas system?)

* Contamination in trap TOF when changing gas bottles with old gas system

* Difficult to steer the beam on to the experimental target

* Could not run the linac and separator at at A/q=2.5 due to scaling limitations

* Updates of the CS for the beam optics and RF (unstable java applications)



Comments and Lessons learned

* Isotopically purified 22Ne and 4He buffer gas used for 10Be run

* Isotopically purified 20Ne buffer gas used for 11Be run

* Newly installed buffer gas system suppressed the gas contamination inside the trap

* Unfortunate with breaks during the run => loose time for restart of the machine

* When using slow extraction it is a prerequisite to record a trigger spectrum at the experimental setup to assure that no beam is lost outside the RF window of the accelerator

* Difficult startup of both 10,11Be -> light beams need extra startup time