Work at the low energy stage of REX-ISOLDE

 Shutdown - year 2004-2005



Action                                                   Time                 Responsible                              Date



Vacuum group


Find air leak in REX system                    2 days              vacuum group                            before 15/3


Find leak near TH-T1C, at the exhaust port of the turbo in the TRAP section

                                                            ½ day               vacuum group                            before 15/2


Dismount and send away 180 l/s collector turbo for revision                                               Done

                                                            ½ day               Fredrik + S. Meunier                             

HT lens interlock in EBIS                        2 hours             Fredrik + David P                       before 1/3


Turbo pump revision                                                       S. Meunier                                before 1/3


Bakeout zeolithe trap                             ½ day               vacuum group                            before 15/3


Repair/exchange EBIS collector Penning gauge                                                                Done

                                                                        1 day                Fredrik


Connect the fast shutting valve at the REXEBIS to the Simatics system                             before 1/3

                                                                        1 day                D. Porret


Bakeout the EBIS                                  1 week              S. Blanchard                             before 15/3


Bakeout the REX mass separator            1 week              S. Blanchard                             before 15/3


Exchange copper for silver seals 3 days              technician + vacuum group         before 1/3


Repair turbo pump controller for 180 l/s pump at EBIS

                                                                        2 days              D. Porret                                   before 1/3





Manufacture drift tube sleeve                   1 day                technician                                 before 15/2


Test current integrator box for pulsed beams

                                                            1 day                Fredrik + operator                      low prio.


Dismantle REXEBIS + magnet                1 week              Fredrik + Richard                       Nov


Repair REXEBIS SC                               1 week              external firm + Fredrik                Dec


Cool down REXEBIS and test                  1 week              technician + Fredrik                   Dec


Cool down and map EBIS magnetic field

                                                            2 weeks            technician + Fredrik                   Jan


Repair EBIS extractor 1 and 2, align        1 weeks            technician + Fredrik                   Jan      


Re-install the EBIS                                 3 weeks            technician + Fredrik                   Feb


High water pressure in cooling water line

                                                            1 day                Fredrik + Thomas S                   low prio.


Design support, manufacture and install telescope for the EBIS                                         after 1/4

                                                            1 week              techn + Erwin/align. group + Fredrik


Install recovery line for LHe at REXTRAP                                                              before 15/2

½ day               technician


Install and test power regulation for REXTRAP ion source                                      before 15/2

                                                            2 days              technician + Pierre + M. O’neil


Install and modify (Al foil + modification of holder) PM tube at REX mass sep                      before 15/2

4 days              workshop + Fredrik + Georgi


Cool down EBIS for April run                   1 week              technician + Fredrik                   end March


Startup EBIS for April run                        2 weeks            operator + Fredrik                      April


Test Li/Cs production in REXTRAP ion source

                                                            1 week              Pierre + technician + operator     March


Repair movement for REXTRAP injection plate                                                                  before 15/2

                                                            1 day                technician + control engineer


Clean the trap and EBIS cages               1 day                technician                                 before 15/3


Motor generator revision              3 days              C. Mastrostefano                       before 1/3


Build up electron cathode test stand        1 month            PhD + techn. + Fredrik               low prio.


Test cathodes                                        1 month            Fredrik                                      ????


Exchange cooling tubes for EBIS            1 day                C. Mastrostefano                       before 1/3


Clean flow meters for water cooling at EBIS                                                                      before 1/3

                                                                        ½ day               C. Mastrostefano


Completely new (and reliable) interlock system for baking, pumps, HV and cathode heating

                                                                        4 weeks            technician                                 low prio.


Construction, installation and test of power control for the cathode heater                           before 1/3

                                                                        2 weeks            M. O’neil and Fredrik


Produce 2 Macor insulation pieces          1 day                C. Mastrostefano                       before 15/2


Misc construction jobs                           3 days              C. Mastrostefano                       Dec-Mar






Implement vacuum interlocks for HT supply in mass separator and BTS

                                                            1 week?            N. David                                    before 1/4


Arrange adaption cable for FUG 60 kV exchange to TREK supply

                                                            1 day                N . David                                   before 1/4




Control AB/CO and Romain Savreux


Implement slow extraction out of the EBIS          

                                                            2 weeks            Joakim Cederkall                       before 1/4


Install new control system for REXTRAP                                                                          before 1/4

                                                            4 week              Romain + Pierre + control eng.


Exchange REXTRAP control computers   2 days              Romain S                                  Done






Install and test TOF reading for RFQ.BO30                                                                       before 1/3

3 days              technician + Fredrik







LN2 filling of REXTRAP over Christmas   

                                                                        Once a week     C. Yazidjian





Possibly this shut down


Shield REXTRAP roughing pumps?          1 week              radioprotection


Connect REXTRAP roughing pumps to recovery balloon?

                                                                        ? weeks            vacuum group




Time schedule


Magnet repair and first cooling down in Dec


Second cooling down and magnetic field alignment Jan


Re-installation March or April


Startup beginning or end of April depending on degree of involvement in the LHC-GTS setting up


Protons to ISOLDE 21st of April

Tests at the low energy stage of REX-ISOLDE

 Shutdown - year 2004-2005



              I.      On line tests – new ion source or separator


Light masses, injection and cooling, breeding.

Ø      Li cooling, breeding.

Goal: Refining the injection into the EBIS for light masses. Check-up of the timings.

Scheduled: Before 1/5 – 1 to 2 weeks - Pierre and Fredrik


Ø      He cooling, breeding.

Goal: same than before + overcoming the charge exchange problem inside the trap. Testing other cooling method or H2 cooling?

Scheduled: Low priority since no proposal yet. Possibly during the second offline period – 1 week to 1 month with 4 days on line. Pierre & Fredrik + stagiaire?


Heavy masses, breeding tests.

Ø       Pb cooling, breeding.

Goal: refining the breeding for heavy masses/defavorable A/Q. Tests of long breeding times together with long trapping cycle. Cs could be used from the current ion source.

Scheduled: Second offline period. 3 - 5 days on line. Fredrik & Pierre & Richard


Noble gases, trapping tests.

Ø       He,Ne,Kr,Ar,Xe trapping.

Goal: cooling tests with He as a buffer gas. Ions lifetime measurement. He cooling again. Check up of the impurities inside the trap.

Scheduled: Second offline period or before if new ion source. Low priority for operation. 2 days on line plus 1 month analysis, calculation, theoretical investigation. Pierre


Mass resolving power tests.

Ø       Some isobar rich beam, "cocktail" beam.

Goal: mass resolving power tests at the trap

Scheduled: Second offline period. 3 - 7 days on line. 3 – 4 months of a training period of a stagiaire. Stagiaire + Pierre


            II.      Off line tests, technical improvements

Test if EBIS injection efficiency for 30 and 60 keV is similar

Scheduled:  3 days        Fredrik + Pierre + operator(?) Before 1/5


Test rotating wall cooling and injection into EBIS with very high current beams

Scheduled:  1 week        Pierre + Fredrik. Before 1/4


New ion source

Scheduled: 2 months Pierre + Technician. before 1/3

Remark: depends on the results obtained with the ISOLTRAP ion source.


Provide beam for Witch

Scheduled: 4 - 6 weeks in total. Operator(?) Or Witch team (Pierre in support) before 1/04 and some time sharing between the REX-ISOLDE runs.






REX LINAC and Separator 2004/2005 shutdown work


                                                                                                latest date




-          Replacement of all Pirani gauges at the Cavities             01.02.


-          Improvement of automatic controls for the whole system             01.03.


-          Improvement of vacuum in the Separator                           01.02.

(Sieber, Wenander)

-          Vacuum interlock for high voltage cassettes in separator            01.04.

(Porret, David)

-          Valve of 0° beamline in automatic system                         01.04.


-          Repair of Penning gauge in sect. 5                                                01.02.




Power supplies:                                                                                                       


-          Replacement of old Danfysik Power Supply (Ben.MQ10…)       01.01.

(David, Sieber)   

-          Installation of 3rd Heidelberg steerer Power Supply                      01.03.

(David, Deloose)

-          Recabling of Heinzinger HV casettes                                             15.03.

(David, Ext.)

-          Vacuum interlock for high voltage cassettes in separator            01.04.

(David, Porret)

-          Change of polarity in 7-gap sect.                                                    01.03.

(Sieber, David)

-          Repair of phase detectors of several Danfysik PS                       01.03.




Rf- system:


-          Renovation of ventilation system amplifier room               01.02.


-          Rearrangement of 200 MHz low level rack                                    01.02.

(Broere, Hajdas, Marques, Ext.)

-          Test of 100 MHz high res. Phase shifters                          01.04.

(Neville, Broere)

-          Repair of 200 MHz high res. Phase shifter                                    01.02.

(Neville, Broere)

-          Production and test of 8 fast ampl. And phase modulators         01.06.


-          Installation of independent phase measurement               01.04.

(Broere, Neville)

-          Improvement of timing for the amplifiers                                        01.12.


-          Production of spare anode capacitor 200 MHz (Munich) 01.02.


-          Test of MPI bus connection to BERTRONIX  Simatic                   01.05.


-          Cabling work for timing signals at one oscilloscope                     01.04.

(Broere, FSU)

-          Production of rails for dismounting of 100 MHz rf cavity   01.02.

(Broere, workshop rf-group)

-          Improvement of outcoupling from 7-gap 2 amp. cavity                 01.03.

(Broere, Hajdas)

-          Repair of RFQ Dressler Preamp                                                    01.03.


-          Repair of 200 MHz amplifier                                                            01.02.


-          Installation of grid1 rf-filters at 100 MHz systems              01.04.


-          Reinstallation of the original 200 MHz anode rf-filter                    01.04.


-          Improvement of 100 MHz grid1 switching modules                      01.04.


-          Achieve 100 Hz operation of the linac                                            01.04.


-     Repair of old Fast Ampl. and Phase Mod.                         01.01.

(Kester, Hegewisch)

-     Remote Control application for rf-amplifiers                                  01.05.

(Deloose, Marques, Sieber)



Other activities:


-          Realignment of 2. beamline                                                 01.04.


-          Improvement of REX cooling water pressure                                01.04.

(Sieber, Wenander)

-          Reinstallation of winXP on BD FEC                                               01.01.


-          Built up 20 kV test stand for linac test source in bdg. 275           01.04.


-          Beam tests with changed polarity of 7-gap lenses                       01.05.


-          Emittance measurements at IH 9-gap                                            01.05.
