Minutes from REX meeting 2005-02-24
Present: Mats Lindroos (chair), Richard Scrivens,
Pierre Delahaye, Luis Fraile,
Georgi Georgiev, Romain Savreux, Nicolas David, Nikolai
General issues
* The
* Last week Sophie Meunier
together with a Pfeiffer technician took in charge the greasing / oil change of
the REXTRAP, ion source and BTS turbo / roughing pumps. It seems that the
Pfeiffer turbo pumps installed in the BTS line are not correctly oriented for a
correct operation. At more than 90° from the bottom position the oil of the
bearing is leaking and lost into the vacuum tubes. A modification is possible
to circumvent this problem. Sophie has been asked by Richard to contact
Pfeiffer for an offer. This intervention should take two days and could be done
around mid March.
* The
commissioning of the new CS at the trap goes very well on tracks. A time of
flight signal could be obtained. 30% trapping efficiency could be reached with
non-optimized settings.
* The voltages of the trap
electrodes are not always according to their monitor values. Nicolas will have a look at them for a
* A shortcut of one of the
excitation electrode at the trap has been found. The trap magnet had to be open
and taken apart from the beam line. The problem was very quickly fixed by Romain, Ivan and Pierre. 1 day only was necessary to open
the trap, fix the problem, and pump back. Most probably the guilty connector was inside
the injection cross-tube which made things easier. Once this cross tube was
dismounted the shortcut disappeared.
* The power regulation of
Michael O’Neil works very nicely. Mike is in principle curious to know about
the ion source stability with such regulation. Later on a similar regulation
should be installed at the EBIS for controlling the cathode heater.
* Mike had a solution for
the trap ion source sparking problems at 60kV. This would be simply to install
some metal tube around the connection of the ion source through the high
voltage cage of REXTRAP.
* The alignment of the EBIS
magnet was finished at the end of last week by Fredrik and Richard. An
alignment of .15mm in every dimension could be reached. The probe has been
* A rather long standing
problem concerning the EBIS and LINAC cooling systems was reported by
Richard. The water pressure coming from
the water station is too high. It hinders the normal operation of the cooling
devices in the ISOLDE hall.
* Nicolas is working on the beam optic supplies
of the LINAC.
* Sylvestre
Catin will learn about the windows-based PC from Ivan
Deloose in one or two weeks. Because of Ivan’s change
of position it was tricky so far for him to give a full introduction to Sylvestre.
* The development of beam line control system by Nicolaï
goes very well. He reported that all the control for power supplies are already
running. In the future the OP group will help Nicolaï for the development of the application software.
Minutes taken by Pierre Delahaye