Minutes of the REX integration meeting on Thursday, 20.01.2005



Participants: Pierre Delahaye, Luis Fraile, Thomas Sieber, Mats Lindroos (chair) Romain Savreux, Fredrik Wenander, Nicolai Trofimov, Tim Giles.



1. Alignment at REX and ISOLDE

-        Erwin Siesling and Tim Giles were invited to discuss alignment at REX and at ISOLDE in general.

-        The main question was, if ISOLDE should buy the same type of theodolite, which is used in the alignment group (costs: 40 kCHF). On the one hand this could be a disadvantage because having an own instrument might separate us even more from the common CERN alignment scheme and the responsible group. It is also problematic that these theodolites are sophisticated systems, which are difficult to handle for non-specialists. On the other hand it would open the possibility to have support from the alignment group without asking for their precious equipment.

-        Mats proposed to contribute with a certain amount (for example half the price) to the acquisition of a new theodolite in the alignment group. Erwin will discuss this possibility with them. The money for this contribution might be found in the ABP section.

-        Thomas pointed out that (in case we have to continue for some time to do the alignment ourselves) with the currently used theodolites the alignment of distant objects, like for example of the REX separator mass-slit, is only possible with an accuracy of 1mm.

-        Erwin will clarify with the alignment group 1. How long in advance we have to ask for support. 2. To what extend the current REX alignment scheme (alignment on beam axis) will be accepted and kept by them.

-        Erwin will also look into the possibility to have our old instruments recalibrated and to get a fixed installed telescope for the EBIS.

-        The targets for the alignment of the new part of the REX Linac will be according to the common CERN alignment scheme.



-        Nicolas David has taken several trap electrode power supplies for repair.

-        The trap will be back in operation in beginning of February.

-        The small emittance meter from Munich will arrive mid February. Pierre and Romain will continue with measurements for the rotating wall cooling technique. 








-        The alignment of the magnetic field of the EBIS solenoid is delayed by more than two weeks because it turned out to be very difficult. Richard Scrivens supports Fredrik.

-        The cooling mantle around the warm bore of the EBIS is damaged. Leif Lileby from MSL will provide a new tube within the next 3 weeks.

-        It was found that the collector holder has a lacking fixture which makes proper alignment almost impossible. It is necessary to do some mechanical reinforcement of this holder. Fredrik is working on the issue.

-        Romain Savreux was asked to continue with the installation of a charge readout of the RFQ.BO30 that was started by Fredrik.

-        Time schedule for restart of the EBIS: 1.May.


4. Linac

-        The anode capacitor of the 200 MHz amplifier has been disassembled. The pieces were sent to BERTRONIX.

-        The AB-RF group suspects that the permanent sparking in the cavity is due to higher order modes, which are not sufficiently suppressed.

-        Nicolas David has replaced the old Danfysik power supplies for the lenses in the target section by new ones.



5. Control System

-        For the next running period Thomas wants to have a control application for the rf-amplifiers, which is similar to the one which was designed for the FEC control system, but which is now connected to an OPC server. There will be a meeting about this next week between Nicolai, Ivan Deloose, Thomas and Jose Marques from AB-RF.

-        A test environment for REX separator power converters has been set up in the control group laboratory by Nicolas David. It is ready for first tests with the Linux based control system as soon as Nicolai has finished some elementary control applications.

-        Nikolai Trofimov reported from slow extraction out of EBIS. Implementation into present Windows based system needs three changes: 1. modify console application, 2. changes in the Frontend console, 3. changes in the C++ library. Some old half ready versions from Joakim Cederkall are already present, but it's a large amount of code. It would take Nicolai a couple of months. Nikolai proposes that we wait with the slow extraction for the arrival of the new AB/CO control system. Could be implemented at next shut-down.







5. AOB

-        The “REX-day” mentioned in earlier meetings is now preliminary scheduled for 11.03.

-        Mats will go to the meeting of the MINIBALL steering committee on 11.02.

-        A new project associate from Russia will start working in the BDI group, mainly for REX. Enrico Bravin wants us to define his tasks and to specify detailed work packages for him.

-        It was decided that the project associate shall work more on the integration of existing equipment (in collaboration with Nicolai) than on daily maintenance.











Minutes by Thomas