Minutes from REX shutdown meeting 2005-11-09
Present: Mats Lindroos,
Didier Voulot, Nikolai Trofimov, Nicolas David, Romain
Savreux, David Porret, Olga Voznyuk,
Stephane Bart Pedersen, Gerrit-Jan
Focker, Enrico Bravin and Fredrik Wenander
This meeting was dedicated to the delegation
of shutdown work tasks related to REX-ISOLDE. The different support groups,
ATB-IF, AB/CO, AB/BDI, AB/PO, AB/VAC, were present and the items on the
shutdown lists were discussed with each section. A coarse planning for the AB/RF
work was laid out at the last meeting. The shutdown list (continuously under
update) is attached.
General points:
* The complete REX-ISOLDE machine is supposed
to be operational again 1st April.
* The low energy part is running until
beginning of December
* The REXTRAP may have to provide stable beam
for the WITCH experiment during some parts of the shutdown.
* Richard Catherall for the ATB-IF section will inform the workshop
of the job requests. A compiled worklist will be provided by Fredrik.
* AB/BDI should give the REX team a cost estimation for the BD consolidation so money can be
allocated in the budget of 2006. E. Bravin will deal
with this as well as make an agenda for further BD discussions next week. As
the BDI workshop is heavily loaded, no extra FCs can
be produced this shutdown.
* The AB/BDI group is still testing different
options for the beam picture grabbing. A decision which
method to use could maybe be taken in mid December. Nikolai T is eager
to know if the devices, data types and properties in the control programme will be retained, so he can proceed with the
coordination of the control application.
* The vacuum group agreed on doing most of
the work during January. For the installation of the recovery balloons and the move
of the roughing pumps the coordination and the manpower is still not fully
sorted out. REX is at least assured that a move of the roughing pumps can be
carried out this year.
* D. Porret was
assigned to ask his section leader what the status of and the plan for the
vacuum control implementation is. After two years of discussions the vacuum is
still operated in manual mode directly at the Simatics
Minutes taken by Fredrik Wenander