Minutes from REX meeting 2005-10-19


Present: Mats Lindroos (chair), Didier Voulot, Henrik Bak Jeppesen, Nikolai Trofimov, Nicolas David, Luis Fraile and Fredrik Wenander





* Minutes from last week approved.


* Target will be changed on HRS next morning Tuesday. Beam to REX on Wednesday morning.


* Fredrik has prepared a work list for the shut down. He will circulate it for people to complete or comment.


* A coarse budget has to be ready by 31/10.


* Klaus Blaum has applied for a BMBF grant for the low energy part. A separate grant will come from Munich for the linac part. These include money for man power (5 posts). These posts should hopefully be taken over by CERN in the near future.


* A new associate will work with Nikolai on a “passerelle” that enables java application to read data from Windows. This could provide a temporary solution for the beam diagnostic control system in case the new system is not operational in time with the beam optics migration.


* The NUPAC meeting went very well. The 5 and 10Mev upgrade received strong support.






* The EBIS and trap are now running. A few tests will be carried out before next run.


* Two days will be needed to set up REX. It is expected to deliver a beam to the experiment on Friday.


* It is planned to test He cooling in EBIS (evaporative ion-ion cooling). The trap will use Ne buffer gas as usual.


* A Wago control unit is faulty causing EBIS to switch off regularly. Nicolas will check it before the run.





* The 200MHz amplifier is working. We plan to run it at a limited power for safety. 70kW 500us 50Hz. This should still give 2.76MeV/u for 9Li2+.


* The IH power supply is still down. Grid 1 power supply and preamplifier are damaged. Lee Neville is working on it. If this can not be fixed, we will ask Bertronix to send some spare power supplies in emergency.


* Stripper foils have been checked. Everything OK. Some spare should be ordered.



Minutes taken by Didier Voulot