Minutes from REX meeting 2005-10-19
* Minutes
from last week approved.
* Target
will be changed on HRS next morning Tuesday. Beam to REX on Wednesday morning.
* Fredrik
has prepared a work list for the shut down. He will circulate it for people to
complete or comment.
* A
coarse budget has to be ready by 31/10.
* Klaus
Blaum has applied for a BMBF grant for the low energy part. A separate grant
will come from
* A new
associate will work with Nikolai on a “passerelle” that enables java
application to read data from Windows. This could provide a temporary solution
for the beam diagnostic control system in case the new system is not operational
in time with the beam optics migration.
* The
NUPAC meeting went very well. The 5 and 10Mev upgrade received strong support.
* The EBIS and trap are now running. A few tests
will be carried out before next run.
* Two
days will be needed to set up REX. It is expected to deliver a beam to the
experiment on Friday.
* It is
planned to test He cooling in EBIS (evaporative ion-ion cooling). The trap will
use Ne buffer gas as usual.
* A Wago
control unit is faulty causing EBIS to switch off regularly. Nicolas will check
it before the run.
* The 200MHz amplifier is working. We plan to
run it at a limited power for safety. 70kW 500us 50Hz. This should still give
2.76MeV/u for 9Li2+.
* The IH
power supply is still down. Grid 1 power supply and preamplifier are damaged.
Lee Neville is working on it. If this can not be fixed, we will ask Bertronix
to send some spare power supplies in emergency.
* Stripper
foils have been checked. Everything OK. Some spare should be ordered.
Minutes taken by Didier Voulot