Minutes from REX meeting 2005-09-28
* Minutes from last week approved.
* The xenon run went well. Beams of 138Xe,
140Xe and 142Xe have been delivered at 2.83-2.85MeV/u. The run had to stop half
a day early (Saturday night) after the 200MHz amplifier failed.
* The
Yellow Report is now ready and will go to print. This report should be sent
around to stimulate interest in Rex-Isolde.
* The
poster on the wall in the hall is now out of date. Should be
updated (and made more attractive) during the shutdown.
* Fredrik
started gathering info for the budget. This should be ready soon.
* A new version for Rex-Trap control has been
installed and is running fine.
efficiency has been checked. 16% for potassium. This
is correct.
Sylvestre Catin will come to update computers for Rextrap. He should also learn
how Rextrap’s control system operates (Labview application).
* An HV breakdown in the cavity caused the
200MHz failure. This problem persisted after a spare tube was installed.
Investigation will continue tomorrow. It is hoped that the problem can be solved
before next run (5/10).
* Sending
the amplifier back to supplier during the shutdown has to be considered once
* Alexandre
Dorsival will come next Monday to check X-rays level near the 9-gap cavity.
(Assuming amplifier is back in operation by then.)
* New
valves with gauge inlets (enabling pressure to be monitored on experiments
side) should be installed on the beam lines after the bender so that all valves
can be automated. David Porret will check it and order them.
* All
hardware and FECs are ready for the new control system (Nikolai). Applications
still need to be written. In principle this should be ready before next year.
Thus updating the existing system was not found to be worthwhile for the two
runs remaining this year.
Minutes taken by Didier Voulot