Minutes of the REX meeting 01-09-2005


Present:   P. Delahaye, L. Fraile, M. Lindroos, R. Savreux, D. Voulot

1. Technical student request

  • A request has been sent by M. Vretenar for Tomas Aronsson as a technical student to start 1st october.
  • Tomas will work on the energy upgrade of the REX linac. Supervisor D. Voulot.
  • In general summer student should be encouraged to apply for technical student position.

2. Be run

  • A beam of stable 12C will be delivered on Monday (if possible) and until Wednesday evening when the beam of 12Be will become available. A 11Be beam will also be delivered during the run.
  • The run will be a challenging one: low efficiencies, Ar instead of Ne in the trap, foil stripping.
  • The 9-gap structure will not be used as energies above 3Mev/u are not required. Beam to pass straight through with amplifier off.
  • The 9-gap amplifier could not be fixed. It will be operational again with reduced performance before next run.
  • A 50Hz frequency will be employed. (100 Hz is ok on RF side but might be too short for trap/ebis)

4. Control-system

  • Romain has finished writing a new application for Rex-trap scans. The application is performing well.
  • The RexTrap PC is now very stable.
  • All 4 control-computers have been maintained: XP installed (or reinstalled), extra RAM added on two of them.
  • Three of them are pretty old; a spare (old) computer should be prepared and stored in case one of them fails.


  • Programmers from an external company will start developing a new application enabling longer EBIS pulses.

6. Summer student

  • Pierre’s summer students did a good job on Rextrap. Their measurements show that a mass resolving power of about 1E4 might be achievable. A few tests more are needed with a full magnetron-cyclotron excitation sequence before the possible implementation of this potentially powerful separation method.



Minutes by D. Voulot