Minutes from REX meeting 2005-08-09
* Thomas
will leave the 19th of August. A farewell party will be given
Wednesday 17th at
* Mats
will be away from 10-29/8, Fredrik from 26/8-4/9 and during the Kr run 12-17/9
(ICIS conf.).
The team
was congratulated by Mats for a successful and smooth Sn
* Each
summary from the experimental runs should have a link from the REX-ISOLDE homepage.
Fredrik should deal with this.
* A
summary of the Sn and In run
is attached to the minutes.
* The
Win2000 Linac console computers in the control room
hangs. Sylvestre Catin will
be asked to deal with it.
* The cathode
will run switched off or run with low power when Didier needs beam for Linac tuning until the next real run.
* The 200 MHz amplifier was disassembled this
morning. No traces of sparks or thermal stresswas
seen on the kapton insulator. That means it could
have continued to operate at this low repetition rate.
* A new middle test plate for the capacitor
will be produced. The amplifier can be reassembled on Friday or on Monday for
tests directly with the resonator. In case the solution with the 3-fold
segmented plate does not work out, one can always go back to the old plate.
* Thomas will instruct
Didier (and Fredrik) how to start the amplifiers and to setup
the Linac from scratch.
Minutes taken by Fredrik Wenander