Minutes from REX meeting 2005-07-27
* A
summary of the Cu run can be found in the attached document.
* The
concern about who is taking over Romain’s responsibilities and control system
knowledge in case he leaves in the end of September was raised. We hope to be
able to keep him until the end of the run and possible find a
* The
need for alignment support was once again underlined. For the extension of the
Linac new coordinates are required and for the present EBIS alignment fixed
points are missing since the removal of the wall to the hall extension. E.
Siesling is in contact with the Metrology group and Mats will send an email to
the group leaders involved.
* The new
ISOLDE schedule is on the web. Some rearrangement in time and beams for the REX
runs have been done.
* Thomas
was asked to arrange a contract for Didier Voulot (the person taking over after
Thomas) with Dieter Habs. Didier will arrive the 1st of August and
stays in Thomas group and office. Thomas leaves around the 20th of
August. The folders and documentation stays in his office.
* A
diploma student should start the 1s of October to work on the beam transport
for HIE ISOLDE. A beam optics specialist supervision is searched for.
* An
upgrade of the REX Windows 2000 machines has been done by Romain.
* A new
simplified and improved version of the trap control system was launched at the
same time as new versions of Labview and Twincat were installed.
Continuous instead of pulsed injection was tried into the EBIS with a promising
result of 2% in one charge state (K10+). This is a significant improvement
compared to previously published results at other machines. Romain hopes to
also have the new scanning interface ready for a test in mid August.
* A
preliminary list for jobs still remaining, and coming up for the shutdown, for
the low energy part was presented. The groups involved are to be informed by
latest September.
* The
Profibus slave at the EBIS gun platform has stopped twice (once during the Cu
run) causing the electron beam to shut down.
* Ivan
has summarized the rotative wall measurements (emittance and injection into the
EBIS) in a preliminary report. A discussion of the content and results should
be hold amongst the involved.
* The Linac was running stable during the
last run with <60 kW on the 200 MHz amplifier. It is hoped that with similar
operation conditions it can last until the end of the running period (October).
* An RF specialist, Werner Pirkl, had a look
at the 200 MHz system and found nothing exceptional from the pickup signal.
However, it was found that the capacitor, part of the amplifier cavity, could
had a resonance at the operation frequency This could be the cause for the
heating of the ferrite blocks. The idea is now to cut the middle plate of the
capacitor into three pieces to disable the resonance mode, and then operation
at 100 Hz might be feasible. The modification will be tested after the Sn run.
* There is a problem with sticking piston
tuners. The malfunctioning tuner at the IH structure was exchanged for the
second one installed but not in use. The 9-gap cavity was opened and the uner
inspected but no obvious fault was detected.
* Oliver
Kester has found two dipoles and quadrupoles at GSI that could be used for the
move of the Miniball to the new hall.
* Thomas has asked
Minutes taken by Fredrik Wenander