Work at the low energy stage of REX-ISOLDE

 Shutdown - year 2005-2006



Action                                                   Time                 Responsible                              Date



Vacuum group


Improve vacuum RFQ QP (air pocket)     1 week              technician                     before 15/3


Recovery balloons for roughing pumps at REXTRAP         

??                     Vac. group                    before 15/3


Implement vacuum control into general CS                                                          

                                                            ??                     AB/CO and D. Porret      before 15/3


Turbo pump revision for trap, BTS, EBIS, Sep and Linac   

3 days              Vac group + technican   before 1/3


Roughing pump revision, REXTRAP and EBIS                 

1/2 day             S. Meunier                    before 1/3


Roughing pump revision  , LINAC                                    

                                                            ˝ day               S. Meunier                    before 15/3


Bakeout zeolithe trap                             ˝ day               Vac group                     before 1/3


Connect readout of fast shutting valve at the REXEBIS to the Simatics system                                                                                                        1 day                D. Porret                       before 1/3


Bakeout the EBIS                                  1 week              S. Blanchard                 before 15/3


Leak test EBIS and mass separator        1 day                S. Meunier                                1/3


Find air leak in REX(EBIS) system          2 days              S. Meunier + Fredrik      before 15/3


Order spare parts                                                           Vac. group


Vacuum improvement Linac                    3 days              D. Porret                       before 1/3

            Name tags for gauges in sec 5

            Exchange valve in 0-deg beam line

            Connect V6 to Simatics

            Display not working for 9-gap cavity pump in sec 5

            Switch from Pirani to Penning on full range gauge (interlocks)

            Connect valve at 2nd beam line to Simatics



Optional work


Simplified and changed roughing vacuum system for the EBIS                               shutdown 2006


Exchange remaining copper for silver seals at EBIS         

                                                                        3 days              technician                     wait


Fast ignition for EBIS IKR gauges                                    S. Meunier                    low prio






LINAC               Install a window on BO box 5 for the stripper foils

                                                            2 days   workshop + Didier                      shutdown 2005


REXEBIS          Spare insulators to collector and HV break

                                                                        1 day    Fredrik                          shutdown 2006


REXTRAP         Repair the jittering spare memory module                         shutdown 2006


REXTRAP         Check resistance of all internal elements in the trap                      before 1/3


REXEBIS          Check resistance of all internal elements in the EBIS                    before 1/3


REXEBIS          Reduce pressurized air to EBS.BO10                                         

˝ day   AB/BDI + Fredrik                       before 1/3


REXEBIS          Feedthrough flange for the extractor voltages (leak currents on Ext 1 and II)

1 day intervention, 4 days work               operator + Fredrik                      before 1/12


Cable tray at the REXTRAP electronics rack       

1 day    B. Crepieux                   autumn 2005


Adjust zero setting for LHe for EBIS                     2 h        R. Scrivens                                1/12


Cleaning action                                                  1 day    technician                                 15/3

HV tube

            EBIS and TRAP cage


Pump on LHe transfer line for REXTRAP  1 day                technician                     1/3


REXTRAP         Movement of inj. and ext. plate out and in not reliable

                                                                        ˝ day   technician                                 1/2


Improve insulation (60 kV) for trap ion source

                                                            2 days               technician                                 1/2


Design support, manufacture and install telescope for the EBIS                                         1/2

                                                            1 week              techn + Erwin/align. group


Exchange old cooling tubes for EBIS       1 day                technician                                 1/3


Clean flow meters for water cooling at EBIS                                                                     1/3

                                                                        ˝ day               technician


Cool down EBIS for April run                   1 week              technician + Fredrik                   15/3


Startup EBIS for April run                        1 week              operator + Fredrik                      1/4


REXEBIS          Control and silent the grounding relay

˝ day               technician                                 1/4


REXEBIS          Manufacture a post anode gun

                                                                        1 week              ISOLDE workshop                      1/11


REXTRAP         LN2 filling of REXTRAP over Christmas               

                                                                        Once a week                                         Christmas


REXEBIS          Check water circulation / temperature in cooling mantle

                                                            ˝ day               Fredrik                                      1/12

REXTRAP         Remove lead shielding around trap roughing pumps

                                                            ˝ day               technician                                 1/12


(If necessary, reduce return pressure of cooling water from 3 bar to <2 bar. Make sure turbos, bore and collector get sufficient amount of water cooling.)



Optional work


REXTRAP         Implement stronger E-field in the RF excitation                             shutdown 2006


REXTRAP         Implement magnetron and cyclotron excitation                              shutdown 2006


REX     Design a bender system for the REX separator

2 weeks            draftsman + Fredrik


REX     Manufacture a bender system for the REX separator

3 weeks            workshop


REX     Install a bender system for REX separator

1 week              technician + operator


Completely new (and reliable) interlock system for baking, pumps, HV and cathode heating

                                                                        4 weeks            technician                                 low prio.


Test current integrator box for pulsed beams

                                                            1 day                Fredrik + operator                      low prio.


Improve shielding of REXTRAP roughing pumps in case of no balloons                                                                                                        2 days              technician + TIS                         before 1/4


REXEBIS          Spare isolator for the collector                                                    

                                                            1 day                Fredrik                          shutdown 2006


REXEBIS          Exchange the faraday cage for the collector                                             wait


Test Si detectecor and PM tube after mass separator

                                                1 week              ISOLDE physics group+ Fredrik  shutdown 2006


Construction, installation and test of power control for the cathode heater                           wait

                                                            1 week              M. O’neil and Fredrik


REXTRAP         N2 gauge for solenoid not working                                                           wait


Remount suppressor and collector according to design position, i.e. 5 to 8 mm closer to the drift tube structure                                 2 weeks            Operator + Fredrik                                  Wait






REXEBIS          cables for gun heating and post anode

                                                1 day                N. David                                                1/12


All        A number of BNC cables are poorly done. BTS.FC150 cable, trigger cables, cables at EBIS control table.                             ˝ day               No problems, I can do that                      1/3


REXEBIS          Test HT ramping time with 30 kV TREK supply.   

                                                1 day                N. David                                                1/3


REXTRAP         check synchronisation of the TREK and German power supplies for the tubes.

                                                ˝ day               N. David and Fredrik                               1/3


SEP-LINAC       Install of new crates for Heinzinger power supplies.          

                                                2 weeks            N. David                                                before 1/11


SEP-LINAC       Finish Heinzinger power supplies adaptation for new crate/control system. 

                                                1 week              N. David                                                before 1/11


SEP-LINAC       Install & hardware test of new beam optic control system.

                                                1 week              N. David                                                before 1/12


LINAC               Normalization of power cables sections for Danfysik 858 (safety reasons).

                                                4 weeks            N. David                                                1/2


LINAC               Electric connections improvements on Danfysik 858.

                                                4 weeks            N. David                                                before 1/2


Check power supplies cooling system (fan replacement, remove dust, water leak…)

                                                1 weeks            N. David                                                before 1/3


Design new 8 channels +/-500V amplifier (REXTRAP+REXEBIS)

                                                                        N. David                                                before 1/3


Update or write missed documentation (test procedure, power converter operation note…)

                                                                        N. David                                                before 1/3


Improve security on target power switcher box

                                                                                    N. David                                                before 1/3


Hardware test with vacuum interlock

                                                                                    N. David                                                before 1/3


Motor generator revision              3 days               C. Mastrostefano                       2006


Arrange adaptation cable for FUG 60 kV exchange to TREK supply

                                                            1 day                N. David                                    before 1/3



Optional work


BTS      lower kicker supplies do not go to 0 V when set to zero level                                 low prio




Control AB/CO and Romain Savreux


All                    Separation office and technical network                followed by S. Catin


REXTRAP         Repair Quantum Composer         followed by Fredrik                                 sent away


All        Java application programmes for beam optics

                                                            ??                     Appl. programmers                     1/3


LINAC   implement beam optics java applications              N. Trofimov                                1/3


REX      Stopping console computers in control room

                                                            1 day                S. Catin                                                1/2


Implement slow extraction out of the EBIS                      

??                     Sven and co                              1/3


Save settings for the EBIS                      ??                     Sven and co                              1/3


Implement pretrigger pulse from EBIS to Linac in EBIS CS

                                                                                    Sven and co                              1/3


REXTRAP         Remove the VME from the rack

                                                            ˝ day               Romain                                     Done


REXTRAP         Buy spare cards GPIB, Profibus and NI together with ISOLTRAP

                                                            ˝ day               Romain                                     1/12


REXTRAP         Remains to be done 1/10 2005

* Integrate the SR430 MCA for EBIS TOF in the Scan-GUI.

* Write documentation. (+make DVD/CD with all needed files).

* Integrate the DDS to the CS (require the development of both Drivers and User Classes).

* Exchange the current DS345 Frequency Generator by one equiped with GPIB interface and integrate in the Scan-GUI. (Fast).

* If possible, add a "security" check during the creation of the Scan-GUI object: if already created on an other pc, warn the user.

* Fit possibility on the scan graph (frequency resonance for example)?


* Buy GPIB Cables longer than the ones we have?

* Plug the PicoAmp2 and be sure that the connection is OK.

* Remove the VME from the rack.



Optional work


Write an ion count programme


NAOS implementation                            ??                     AB/CO + N. David


Implement general AB timing                  ??                     AB/CO




RF section


Pull a pretrigger cable from EBIS to RF room        ˝ day   ??                                             1/2


Repair and move tuners at RFQ and IH cavities     RF section                                            1/3






LINAC   Repair faulty FC BEN.FC40

˝ day Gerrit Jan                                                1/12


Mass sep          Repair cable for RFQ.FC20        

                                                            ˝ day Gerrit Jan                                                1/12


Mass separator  BTS.FC150, cable short cut

                                                            ˝ day   Gerrit Jan                                              1/12     

Produce spare parts of all kinds 

˝ investigation   1 week work      AB/BDI + Fredrik + Didier           1/4



Exchange the RFQ.BO30 MCP               ˝ day               AB/BDI + Fredrik                       1/2


Strange behaviour of actuator for EBS.BO10, injection/extraction/injection.

                                    1 day?                                      AB/BDI                                     1/2


Reduce the air flow for EBS.BO10           ˝ day               AB/BDI + Fredrik                       1/2


Increase the air flow for BTS.BO30          1 hour               AB/BDI + Fredrik                       1/2


REXEBIS          Build a FC for EBS.BO10, direction EBIS

                                                                        1 week              AB/BDI + Fredrik                       1/3



Optional work


Arrange BD rack            2 days                                      AB/BDI


Arrange vacuum interlock to the HT supplies for the MCPs.

1 week                                      AB/BDI + D. Porret


More power outlet in the BD rack

                                    ˝ day                                       AB/BDI


Connect electronics (tube HV, CFD, amplifier, scaler etc) to the newly installed scintillator and PM tube.                              1-2 days                             ISOLDE physics group






REXEBIS          Fixed alignment mark on the wall

Align. Group + Erwin                              2 days                                                               1/2


REXEBIS          Install fixed telescope at the EBIS instead of teodolithe.

            Align. Group + technican + Erwin            1 week                                                              1/2


REXEBIS          Alignment of gun at the time of insertion

            Operator + Fredrik                                  ˝ day                                                               1/3


Collect the old alignment documentation form Chollet / Sven de Man / Elias Villar Gomez / Fredrik

            Align. Group + Erwin                              1 day                                                                1/2


Update the plan and complete the REX alignment with documentation

            Align. Group + Erwin                              1 week                                                              1/2


Write notes on the walls next to the fix point crosses to explain their alignment purpose

Align. Group + Erwin                              2 days                                                               1/2



Optional work


Realign the beam transfer line. Optically or with ion beam?

Align. Group + Erwin + technician + Fredrik         1 week                                      low prio









Documentation and spare parts


Follow EDMS implementation of REX by Elias Villar Gomez



Get all drawings of EBIS from L. Liljeby               

Eternity             Elias Villar Gomez


Check O. Kester’s mass separator simulation files and drawings

                                                1 day                Fredrik                                      shutdown 2006


Collect material                          1 day                Fredrik + Didier                          shutdown 2006

            Hall in general

            Electron beam testbench stand

            Move RF source cage to build 275


Sort out spare parts:                  1 day                Fredrik + Didier                          shutdown 2006

In the ISOLDE hall

            RF room

            Green toolbox linac

            ISOLTRAP light building


Update REX-poster                     1 week              Fredrik                                      shutdown 2006


Collect catalogues from old REX office                                                                             Wait




Deliverables to EURONS / EURISOL


            Closed shell breeding (2006)

            Continuous injection (2006)

            Di-electronic recombination (DR) (if possible)

            New gun design by Feb 2006

            Slow extraction (2006)

            Shell closure with varying energy (later stage, 2007)



Tests and developments


REXEBIS          optimise ion injection at higher ebeams currents

                                                            1 week              Fredrik                                      1/12


TRAP and EBIS             Vary the tperiod and check efficiency for the trap and EBIS systematically.

                                                            2 days              Romain and Fredrik


Closed shell breeding of K (Eionisaion for K17+ to K18+ is 4423 eV)

                                                            1 day                Romain and Fredrik                    1/12


REXTRAP         Vary Urf in trap for Li and K

                                                            1 day                Romain and Fredrik                    1/12


REXEBIS          Continuous injection (pick-up transversal motion at the point of reflection)

                                                3 days              Operator +Fredrik                       1/12


REXEBIS          test magnetic steerers at the collector (typically 20 turns * 5 A)

                                                            2 days              Fredrik                                      1/12


REXEBIS          H or He cooling for Li/Na/K/Cs inj.,

vary tbreed (long times), vary pressure, check different charge states

                                                2 days              Romain + Fredrik                       1/12     


REXEBIS          Li injection, check-up power supply timings.

                                                1 day                Romain and Fredrik                    1/12


BTS                  Find optimal 30 and 60 kV settings through BTS. Take pictures etc.

2 days              Operator + Fredrik                      1/4


REXEBIS          Ion injection after shutdown (after EBIS reassembling)

                                                2 days              Operator + Fredrik                      1/4


REXTRAP + REXEBIS, breeding test of heavy masses (Pb or similar)

Tests of long breeding times together with long trapping cycle.

                                                3 days              Operator +Fredrik                       15/4


Test Li/Cs production in REXTRAP ion source

            Already tested LiCl on zeolithe with Re wires instead of tungsten

            Try LiCl on Ta foil

                                                1 week              Fredrik + operator                      shutdown 2006


REXTRAP         further mass resolving power tests with some isobar rich beam "cocktail" beam

                                                1 week              Pierre + Fredrik                          shutdown 2006


Test post anode cathode            1 month            Fredrik + Klaus Allinger              shutdown 2006


Test radioactive beam detection system for low intensities at the electrical bender after the EBIS. Connect electronics to the newly installed scintillator and PM tube

                                                1 week              ISOLDE physics group + Fredrik shutdown 2006


Long term project (not shutdown 2006)


Molecular beam tests     trapping and charge breeding with new molecular beams (AlF,...)

                                                1 week              Operator + Fredrik


REXEBIS          Injection into partially compensated ebeam

                                                3 days              Operator + Fredrik                     


Simulate residual gas transport through RFQ

                                    1 week              T. Aronsson


Trap ion source

                        Connect mass marker to oven (decouple mass marker evaporation from ionisation region)

                        Pierre’s ISOLTRAP ion source (incl RF spectrometer)


REXTRAP further possible improvements:

-          recalculate injection scheme

-          eventually moving the entrance diaphragm further in

-          introducing an adjustable exit diaphragm

-    calibrate the cyclotron frequency for low intensity Na or K beam.


REXEBIS          Build up a test-bench

                        Investigate needed cathode heating power and lifetime

                        Measure Iextracted vs Tcathode

(see separate document at next page).


REXTRAP         He,Ne,Kr,Ar,Xe trapping. Cooling tests with He as a buffer gas. Ions lifetime measurement. Check up of the impurities inside the trap.


REXTRAP         He cooling, breeding. Overcoming the charge exchange problem inside the trap. Testing other cooling method or H2 cooling.


REXTRAP         Test rotating wall cooling and injection into EBIS with very high current beams

2 weeks                                    Operator + Fredrik


REXEBIS          Test if EBIS injection efficiency for 30 and 60 keV is similar

3 days                                      Operator + Fredrik






* Providing beam for WITCH experiment during shut-down?


* Startup EBIS 1st of April. REXTRAP already running.


* Beam tests April. Test beams to be decided.
Ideas for BMBF application from


1. 2-4 new turbo pumps for trap. 30 kCHF

Either as replacement for old ones (maintenance) or to be used with He gas cooling (development)


2. Higher and improved electrical field at the trapping electrodes in the trap. 10 kCHF. Development.


3. Improved local trap ion source with mass markers. 5 kCHF. Development.


4. Pos doc for two years. Manpower.


5. Modified injection and extraction diaphragms in the trap, i.e. a new internal structure. 15 kCHF. Development.


6. New high performing electron gun for the EBIS. 3 kCHF. Development.


7. New high performing electron beam for the EBIS (new gun, drift tube structure, collector). 15 kCHF. Development.


8. Bender box after the REX separator to do beam composition measurements, efficiency optimisation and beam implantation. 10 kCHF. Development. 


9. Adapt the inner structure to He cooling, i.e. improve the differential pumping. Could be combined with point 5.


10. Maintenance and spare parts (power supplies, beam diagnostics, control system). 20 kCHF. Maintenance


11. Make the TwinEBIS operational for electron beam tests. 20 kCHF. Development.