from REX integration meeting
1. Budget 2004
The budget has been
agreed on. It is available on the REX integration homepage. Use team account
T131900 and specify 4a (REX investment/consolidation), 4b (maintenance) or 4c
(consumables) in the comment box. Keep track of the spending so it can be
updated at the integration meetings.
2. Group integration
* NT
Mats have had several
discussions concerning the future operation of the REX-ISOLDE control system.
Presently the IT department is blocking further use of NT machines. A letter
has been sent to Bertrand Frammery specifying the
need for REX hardware and software support. A response is awaited for next week.
Dirk Schwalm has promised a person start working the
1st of March on the control system within the Control group.
BDI group
The group leader has
not yet agreed on taking on the responsibility for the REX beam diagnostic
Power group
It is yet not clear
when the power technician starts.
Some vacuum and water
interlocks have been repaired and re-connected. The gun is now re-connected to
the original FUG supply and not powered by the TREK supply any longer (for
safety reasons). Update of the control database remains to be done. The bore
tube has been removed and given to the baking section within the vacuum group
for jacket installation. A misalignment of the same tube relative to the
collector iron plug was found. The drift tube structure has been taken out. The
cathode looks all right. Some drift tubes are loose and misaligned, and screws
connecting the electrical wires are penetrating the tubes. Should
be corrected for. The leakage current at extractor II is occurring
inside vacuum at the wire connecting the extractor (or lens), and not in the feedthrough as previously suspected. The complete
extraction side of the EBIS has therefore to be taken apart. Large spots of
soot were discovered so a cleaning might be called for. Estimated
time for the repair 2 weeks.
A specialist for the
survey group is invited for next week to inspect and suggest possible ways of
re-aligning the beam transfer line between trap and EBIS.
One TREK supply for
EBIS steerers has been repaired. The other one has to
been sent to the factory for repair. Estimated price 1100
euro. Investigate the purchase of a spare unit.
of new trap ion-source sample holders have been launched.
Li-impregnated zeolite has been produced and will be
tested when the new sample holders/ovens are ready. A scheme for phase locking
the REXTRAP to the ISOLDE beam gate has been developed and partly tested. The
trap ion source has been repaired. A faulty connector to the electrical bender
was the reason for failing to deliver beam last Dec. The REXTRAP will be opened
next week for reparation of internal short-cut. Witch will ask for beam within
the near future.
5. Linac
The RF
group has all the equipment for the 200 MHz low level system. The cabling and
the Simatics installation are foreseen for the end of
February and beginning of March. This would mean that the system can be
remotely controlled for the next run. The RF technician is supposed to start
the 1st of Feb. Some of the Danfysik power
supplies have NO water interlock. The interlock cables must be wrongly
6. Misc
Three persons (Leif Liljeby, K-G Rensfelt and Anders Kallberg) will be at CERN the 28-30th of Jan to
discuss future collaboration with ISOLDE.
Notes by