Fredrik Wenander,
Fraile, Peter Butler,
1. Miscellaneous
- Mats has agreed now with the AB department to create a post in the control group for REX. The control group will start to take care for REX in summer.
- The Farady-Cup in the ISOLDE beamline has been removed. Although the support is still there one should already see if there is an improvement of the beam transport to the trap.
- Ivan is away next week
- Mats is at TRIUMF the next two weeks.
Secretary Sonia has started with the updated REX homepage.
- Ion source cage installed (Romain and Ivan), 65 kV tests carried out
without sparking
- Broken ion
source heating supply repaired and reinstalled
- NIM crate broken, exchanged with the help of Ivan and Romain.
Our own from Potdevin.
dynamics and resolution compared with previous measurements
- Romain and Ivan understand the settings real measurements can start
- VME problem disappears and reappears
- Near future: emi-measurements,
60 kV beam setup and beam transport
Reimplemented cooling interlocks
- Reimplmented,
improved, extended vacuum interlocks
- Fast shutting valve operational and tested
- Inner structure finally aligned after 8 weeks. Within 0.4 mm radius.
- Correct alignement compared with last time since sag is compensated for
- Piece for the inner structure had to me remachined by ISOLDE workshop.
- Gun not hanging down any longer.
- Misalignment of collector iron screen
remains. For next shut down.
- Nominal extractor voltages applied (problems
last autumn)
- Other electrical connections tested with HV resistance tester
- Complete vacuum system closed.
- System under vacuum; problematic leak was a
faulty gauge
- Baking system implemented and under full
baking. Finished by Friday.
- EBIS OVC pumped, less boiling off this year?
- Cooled down to cryogenic levels
- Magnet not magnetized yet
- Near future: electron beam tests, ion injection tests
- Conditioning of 200 MHz machine has started quite promising, power level is 60 kW at the moment.
- The radiation background will be checked with TIS, maybe some additional lead shielding is necessary at entrance and exit of the accelerator.
- Cabling of 200 MHz low-level rack finished three weeks later than planned. But its working fine now.
One module from
- The delivery of the Dressler preamplifiers is delayed 2 month. We use a preamp from LINAC3 for the 200 MHz setup. Its good enough to run at low duty cycles (pulse length 500 us).
- The new diagnostic boxes are finished from the mechanical point of view. After cleaning, they will be assembled by Thomas and maybe Lee. Installation in the beamline and alignment will be beginning of next week.
Minutes by Thomas