Minutes of the REX integration meeting on Friday, 12.11.2004



Participants: Pierre Delahaye, Mats Lindroos (chair), Luis Fraile, Georgi Gregoriew, Thomas Sieber, Romain Savreux, Nicolai Trofimov, Fredrik Wenander, Melanie Marie-Jeanne.




-        Mats asked the REX team for important technical developments to be presented in his talk at the INTC meeting on Monday 15.11.

-        On the REX budget for this year 2000 CHF are left. Thomas wants to buy rf-equipment.

-        Mats summed up the current upgrade plans for the REX LINAC. There will be a meeting dedicated to this on Tuesday 16.11. Oliver Kester will present several upgrade scenarios he has worked out together with Thomas.

-        Pierre introduced Melanie Marie-Jeanne who will work as a PhD Student at ISOLTRAP and REXTRAP in the future.

-        There was again the discussion where we could apply for a PhD student who might help with the operation of the low energy part. Several European PhD programs were mentioned. Fredrik proposed to ask for an AB PhD student. Pierre will continue to look into this.

-        There will be a meeting of the AB group leaders within the next weeks to discuss the operation of REX and a possible enhanced support from the AB division.

-        Thomas has sent the budget planning for next year to the REX team. The final version can be found attached to these minutes. It was now definitely decided not to buy a spare part for the FUG pulsed platform power supply (~75 kCHF). Mats proposed to check out the price reduction if the EBIS spare power supply would be bought together with some comparable ISOLDE power supplies.  

-        Next week there will be a dedicated meeting for REX shutdown planning between Erwin, Fredrik, Pierre and Thomas. The minutes/worklist will be published on this page.

-        Since Jacques Pierre Amory stops working at ISOLDE in the very near future, he gave all his drawings (hard copies and Files) to Fredrik, who stores them in his office.



-        The trap delivered a 35Ar beam for WITCH during the last days. They have switched to stable beams from ISOLDE now might continue later with stable beam from the Trap test source for some more days.





-        The EBIS is vented now. Fredrik will completely disassemble it in the week after 22.11.

-        The repair of the solenoid by ICE Oxford will be done in the first week of December. After this the magnet has to be cooled down again to check out if the repair was successful.

-        Due to the strong fluctuations of the electron current, a test has been done with power regulated power supplies. The situation seems to improve with these supplies, but the tests were not really conclusive. They have to be redone by the beginning of next year.



-        At the end of the Sn run the Anode capacitor of the 200 MHz amplifier broke again. The beamtime had to be continued with 2.2 MeV/u. Since we had this problem already in August, we have to find out now if the last breakdown was a result of the quickfix in August or if there is a principle problem with the cavity, maybe the air cooling. Han Broere has contacted the Bertronix company. They will try to find a solution before Christmas.



-        Nikolai has written a report about the current architecture and status of the REX control system for his group.

-        A first step for the migration of the REX ctrl. system to AB standard will be to connect the profibus chain of the magnet power supplies to a UNIX machine. With some elementary applications the control of the power supplies might be possible at the end of the shutdown.

-        Additional information about connecting our hallprobe controllers to a UNIX machine is needed. Nikolai will contact Joakim and Ivan for drivers, manuals etc.

-        Fredrik raised the question why the response time of the ISOLDE control system is so long (5-8 s). Nikolai suspects that this might be a problem of the field bus and not of the computers and software. It was agreed to check this before/while copying that system for REX.

-        David Porret planned to work on the remote ctrl. for the REX vacuum system during the shutdown, his work should be synchronized with Nicolais plans. Related Hardware work (replacement of gauges etc.) should be included in the REX shutdown planning








Minutes by Thomas