Minutes of the REX integration meeting on Wednesday, 11.05.2004



Participants: Fredrik Wenander, Thomas Sieber, Pierre Delahaye, Luis Fraile, Richard Catherall, Tim Giles, Mats Lindroos (chair)



The ISOLDE EICs have been invited to discuss their possible participation in the REX operation, in particular in the on-call duty to support the REX engineers. Several scenarios were discussed. Point 1 is a short summary of the ideas mentioned. Decisions will be taken at next weeks meeting.



1. REX operation.

-         Mats mentioned the possibility to define REX as a separate section in the AB Division. This Section would include the two engineers and 3 ½ technicians (including the add. technician for the control system).

-         The half time technician might play the same role for REX like Erwin Siesling for ISOLDE, helping at the same time with Liquid nitrogen filling etc.

-         In general the responsibility for REX during the runs could be devided in three stages. (1) The users are responsible for operation during their experiment, if there is a problem they can not solve by their own, they call (2) the ISOLDE EICs (which get a training course from the REX engineers before), which call (3) the REX engineers if they can not fix it by themselves.

-         There would be each time only one REX engineer being responsible for the whole machine, which means Pierre, Fredrik and Thomas have to rotate. This requires a closer collaboration between charge breeder and accelerator section than we have now.

-         At the same time Fredrik and Thomas might be more involved in the ISOLDE operation.

-         Alternatively it was discussed to have the whole ISOLDE running only during the regular working hours, not during the night.

-         For the first run end of May, Fredrik will get support now from Tim, optimizing the beam transport and injection into the trap.

-         One of the REX engineers should be at the selection board in July for the new engineer who will work 50% of his time for REX.



-         The VME Crate is still crashing if there are too many programs running.

-         The optimization of the beam transport to the EBIS is going on.



-         60 kV power supply broken. Therefore injection tests delayed.

-         A lot of Nitrogen in the mass spectra, but no leak found yet.

-         Extractor 2 shows leak current again, only in pulsed operation.

-         WITCH  6 Tesla B-field strongly affects beam transport in the separator. If magnetization of the separator support is a problem has to be checked.



-         Paul Van den Bergh has arrived and works on the BD FEC.

-         Ivan Deloose will help with the last triplet, some work to have it remotely controlled has already started (profibus cabling by Nicolas etc.).

-         Application for remote ctrl. of the rf-amplifiers was modified by Frank Locci and Jose Marques. It works now with the new addresses.

-         Berdermann will come now on 1. June to fix the problem which limits the rf power to 85 kW. At the same time he will try to repair the amplifier for 7GapII.

-         Thomas needs the beam on Monday 17. to start with the beam optimization to 2. beamline.


5. Misc.

-         JPAs contract with Munich is extended for another ½ year, we must check if we can afford to have him working at REX some more weeks

-         David Porret has started to implement the REX vacuum system in the control system.




Minutes by Thomas