Participants: Pierre Delahaye, Fredrik Wenander,
Luis Fraile, Richard Scrivens
1. Miscellaneous
- Stephan Emhofer is not coming to CERN. He has decided to take up a full time contract with Siemens instead.
- Mats is negotiating a deal for the control system with the AB department. The CO group will take care of the XP control system and a future migration to AB standards. The collaboration will reimburse the department at a time when the collaboration can afford it.
- Ivan Deloose will investigate if he can do the migration to XP. He needs access to REX and the hall the weekend 20th of March. Thomas will contact him and try to arrange a short meeting with the REX operating team.
- We will establish a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for REX ISOLDE operation, maintenance and R&D as soon as possible. Mats set himself a dead-line for next Wednesday. The WBS will eventually result in a "work package" plan for REX, which is important for REX to explain what work is done there and what resources are needed at the department. Thomas and Fredrik are waiting to get a scheme from Mats how to do this WBS.
- Similar to the operators of ISOLDE, the operating team of REX will try to fix some rules, setup-times and responsibilities to define the boundary conditions for the operation of REX. Thomas will write down some basics and send them around to Fredrik, Pierre and Friedhelm. These “rules” will be send to all spokespersons of the upcoming experiments.
- We have to think about if we can extend Jacques Pier-Amory´s work for REX because he is really a main support of the project.
2. Control system
- If Ivan Deloose starts the work on the REX PCs, he should also have a look at the REX terminals in the control room, because they have problems to access the ISOLDE database.
- Fredrik has to produce a feedthrough and a holder for the EBIS which would mean three additional days of work for Jacques P-A.
- The alignment of the inner structure of the EBIS is still delayed due to calibration problems of the necessary tools. Fredrik now has the promise that it will definitely finished next Monday.
- The extraction geometry of the EBIS will not be realigned because the time schedule is too tight.
- The old cage for the REXTRAP is left in place because the new one will not be finished before next week.
- Meanwhile the trap delivers a 30 kV beam to WITCH.
- The emittance measurements at 60 kV should be possible end of next week.
- Thomas starts with power test of the IH and the 7gap2 amplifier on Thursday.
- The cabling of low level rack for the 200 MHz machine takes longer than expected, until mid next week. Start of conditioning a bit delayed.
- Thomas wants to order a spare colutron for beam spot optimization (about 10 kCHF). He will try to find the money somewhere in the existing REX budget.
6. Startup of REX and ISOLDE, schedule of first test operation
- The schedule for the start of REX was discussed once more. Luis will put the results of this discussion in his time schedule and send it to everybody soon.
- Start of GPS is now scheduled around 12.04. Start of HRS for 19.03.
- Thomas said once more that three weeks is the absolute minimum for the beam test of the new accelerator and the optimization of the beam spot.
- The first thing to do before any test at REX is to install the new diagnostic boxes! These boxes are currently in the stadium of rough assembly. Next step will be to recuperate all necessary pieces from the old boxes. Installation in the REX beamline might be possible end of next week.
Minutes by Thomas