Minutes of the REX integration meeting on Wednesday, 08.09.2004



Participants: Fredrik Wenander, Thomas Sieber, Pierre Delahaye, Mats Lindroos (chair), Romain Savreux, Luis Fraile, Peter Butler.




-        There has been a power cut at ISOLDE in the night from Sunday to Monday. The major effect for REX is that the EBIS has to be baked out again. For that reason the beam tests scheduled for this week had to be postponed.

-        Any work which is submitted to the ISOLDE workshop should be discussed before with Jacques Lettry or Richard Catherall.

-        Romain Savreux will get a ½ year contract from LMU now.

-        Since it is strongly related to the work at REX, it was mentioned that there will be a charge breeding workshop at CERN 08/09 of November. There will be also an article about ECRIS charge breeding in the CERN news, written by Thierry Lamy.

-        Valentin will characterize the different beams and yields for the target to be used for the 17F run. Target goes on next Wednesday, characterization on Thursday, Friday.



-        There were again some minor problems with the VME crate, which has been repaired and worked very well afterwards. We have to keep an eye on if these problems increase.

-        WITCH will take a stable beam (K) during the weekend for their magnet tests.

-        There will be no stable Li beam for REX before the Li-run in October, because WITCH is taking the beam.

-        Pierre wrote a contribution to the ISOLDE newsletter about the work on the trap / charge breeder during this year. Fredrik will go through it and maybe add some details about the EBIS.



-        The bakeout of the EBIS has started and will take until Monday next week.

-        Fredrik wrote a description how to handle the EBIS vacuum system to all people involved in REX. In any case it´s better to call him if there are some problems with the EBIS UHV.

-        Since the GFAS modules are still not working properly, the conclusion is now, that the control application running on our computers is not the appropriate one. Fredrik will ask Ivan Deloose if he could check this.

-        After having no response from the Oxford Instrument company for the malfunctioning EBIS SC solenoid, Fredrik has allocated a specialist at CERN who will come next week and make an inspection of the magnet.



-        The jump in the amplitude of the IH structure when scaling between different voltages might be solved by changing the Feedback Control module with a spare one from Linac3 (temporarily).

-        The problem with the High Resolution Phase Shifter from 7-Gap2 is still there, because we will not have spare modules before three months from now. The rf-group will do some tests with the existing module, if there is no error found we have to reinstall it and hope that the failure came from the regulation, not from the module.

-        After restarting the IH setup, the preamplifier gave a temperature failure, although the amplifier was in stand by mode all the time. The temperature sensor might be broken, maybe in connection with the power cut. Han Broere will ask BERTRONIX for the preamp drawings to check this.



-        Ivan Deloose agreed with Mats to continue helping with the control system a bit longer. There will be some overlap (maybe two months) with N. Trofimov who starts on 1. October.



Minutes by Thomas