Minutes of the REX integration meeting on Wednesday, 01.09.2004



Participants: Fredrik Wenander, Thomas Sieber, Pierre Delahaye, Mats Lindroos (chair), Richard Scrivens, Romain Savreux, Luis Fraile.




-        Mats proposed to have a “REX-day” in the future. Staying somewhere over night and spent two days with discussions around REX in a relaxed atmosphere. The idea was appreciated by all. First date could be in January.

-        Luis reported that the physics group account has been charged for an amplifier which should have been paid already from the 2003 budget. Actually there is no money left. We planned to use it for the most urgent items on our spare part list to disencumber our own budget for next year.

-        Thomas has started to produce this list.

-        Mats had a meeting with the vacuum group. There will be two more technicians in 2005, which are trained to work at ISOLDE, but there will be no Piquet Service in that year. Mats was asking for more support for REX reminding that REX is a CERN facility since 01.01.2004.

-        The effort to get some support also from the BD group will be relaunched by Mats during an upcoming meeting of the group leaders.

-        Fredrik has sent three roughing pumps for repair. The repair will be paid from the physics group budget. REX keeps one pump as a spare.

-        G. Giorgiev is a new Fellow at ISOLDE. He might act as a MINIBALL contact person. Giorgiev had some ideas how to improve the beam diagnostics in the target chamber. Fredrik has invited him for the meeting in two weeks to present them.

-        Romain Savreux shall get a “Werksvertrag” with the LMU Munich for ½ year, similar to the contract JPA had. Thomas will take care for this.

-        It was brought up, that the users should include time for beam development in their proposals (like time for calibration with stable beam), because the last runs have shown that in particular for molecular beams and heavy masses, a lot of time is needed to get the beam from ISOLDE to the trap and to set up the charge breeder.

-        Thomas will give a talk about the REX machine at the workshop in December.



-        Pierre reported from the Zn-, Cd- and Se-runs in July and August. He mentioned there were numerous changes of the isotopes during the Cd-run (although it was agreed before to switch only once). A lot of the problems during the Se-run arised due to the fact that it was not on GPS and no mass marker was available. He suspects that the comparatively low trapping efficiency observed during the runs was caused by a bad contact of one of the electrodes for rf-excitation. Additionally injection at 30 kV instead of 60 kV might have played a role.

-        Fredrik and Pierre have written the following summary:

Zn run
isotopes run: 74,76,78Zn run, charge states: 74Zn20+,76Zn20+,78Zn21+

breeding time: 78 ms

efficiencies: 2-3% EBIS; 50% trap; 70% Linac

currents after trap and ebis: ??? à beam detection will work up to 80Zn

technical problems: running GPS at 30 kV, complete re-setup of REX for this voltage


comments:           used 39 K for setting up the low energy part

used 66Zn for testing (not stable since it's laser ionised)


lesson:                  a well outgassed produces very little beam, mass marker important
don't mess around / tune a REX system setup with high intensity beam


Cd run
isotopes run: 122Cd, 124Cd, 126Cd, charge states: 122Cd30+, 124Cd30+, 126Cd31+

breeding time: 148 ms

efficiencies: almost the same than with the Zn, lower for the EBIS

currents after trap and ebis: beam detection limit reached with 126Cd

122Cd   9 pA on inj plate, 4 pA out of trap, 3.5 pA out of EBIS, 2.8% breeding eff, 43% linac eff

124Cd   6 pA after the trap, 1% efficiency in the EBIS

126 Cd  <1 pA on inj plate, BTS.FC20=1 pA (peak value), RFQ.FC20=0.7 pA (peak value)


technical problems:           repetitious rebooting of srv1_isolde, RF server switched off over weekend
database problems (disappearing database)
difficulties setting up the linac (steering in the end, low transmission)


comments:           used 133Cs for stable beam setup

many mass changes in small amount of time for REX


SeCO run
isotope run 70Se17+

breeding time: 33 ms

currents after trap and ebis: 70SeCO 10% of 0.5 pA out of trap

efficiency: 40% trap EBIS unknown for molecular injection - awaiting MINIBALL results


comments:           breakup of molecule in EBIS and not in trap

the molecule breakup in the trap had too low efficiency to work, drowned in background

no Coulex excitations were seen - something wrong in the on-line analysis or too few particles


technical problems:

control for the REX mass separator failing (operate in manual mode)

no mass marker; resetting the HRS (new beam transport every time)

unknown beam composition (stable and radioactive beams) out of the primary target



with present scheduling all runs become test runs, need two days dedicated beam setup

               mass marker, yield measurement, target characterisation (stable and radioactive), GPS instead of HRS




-        Fredrik was in Stockholm to meet Leif Liljeby. They discussed their future collaboration for EBIS development. Fredrik has taken the following notes from this meeting:


Notes from MSL meeting 30/7-2004


Present Leif Liljeby (MSL), Örjan Skeppstedt (MSL), Fredrik Wenander (CERN)



At a strategy discussion a number topics were raised and the following ‘agreements’ was reached.


1. MSL workshop should manufacture two electron guns with post acceleration. One to be tested at CERN in November when Leif comes down for a visit.


2. Fredrik should order LaB6 cathodes from Kimball Physics to be tested at CERN in November (if possible) together with Leif.


3. MSL acquires an IrCe cathode from Russia asap. Produced by Istock, price 1000 US dollar. Manufacturing started. Test it the twinEBIS in Stockholm. Could also be tested at CERN if received for November.


(The number of cathodes that can be tested at CERN depends on the planning for the solenoid repair. If the EBIS solenoid is not available the tests have to be carried out at MSL.)


4. Workshop time could be available at MSL. They could produce a spare collector for the REXEBIS.


5. Leif comes for a visit in November (if possible).


6. Leif provides Fredrik with ACAD drawings of the REXEBIS. Important for future modifications.


7. We should apply for a postdoc; to be based at MSL. This is important for REX-ISOLDE if one wants to go to heavier elements. A doctoral student was ruled out for several reasons. The postdoc should carry out:

               Electron beam simulations (Opera available at MSL)

               Cathode tests

               Improve the gun design of the REXEBIS

How to finance the position? Fredrik has made inquires to Oliver Kester, but he has no funding apart from already allocated EURONS money. Örjan investigates possibilities for Swedish funding. With a well described physics case, that needs post acceleration of elements heavier than A=150, could one write an application to The Swedish Research Council or find some international funding?




Thereafter Leif and Fredrik had a discussion about different technical issues. The outcome of the discussion will be presented at a weekly REX meeting in the near future.


               High LqHe consumption for REXEBIS magnet

               Opera simulations of EBIS electron gun

               N2 liquifier

               Construction concepts of the electron gun test bench a CERN

               Improvement of the REX-ISOLDE mass separator vacuum


-        Fredrik measured quite strong fluctuations of the EBIS electron current. Since the beforehand noticed leakage current at the extractor electrode has almost vanished, it was decided NOT to open the EBIS to change cathode and check the extractor electrodes (3 weeks work). However, the cathode responds to the heating current in a correct way, and even changing to a new cathode will not guarantee a flawless run.

-        The EBIS steerer voltages are not stable. Fredrik will ask Nicolas to look at this. 

-        Concerning the AlF run in the end of September, for the stripping to 9+ in the EBIS an efficiency of 30% has been calculated (time: 100ms).



-        The high voltage breakdown problems at the 200 MHz amplifier (anode capacitor and rf-filter broken) could be solved right at the beginning of the Zn-run.

-        The amplifier was running most of the time at 85 kW, producing final energies at REX between 2.7 and 2.9 MeV/u. The operation was quite stable (had to be restarted about 2 times per night).

-        There were again problems with the low level modules. In particular during the Se-run, where the read-out value of the pickup signal changed after the scaling by ~40mV and the HRPS of 7-gap2 changed the phase by more than 80° without any reason. Due to this the whole machine had to be readjusted, what took half a day. The HRPS module will be tested by the rf-group, the IH setup will be checked in general.

-        Also during the Se-run, we ended up in controlling the separator lenses manually (!) due to permanent failures of the Wago modules. Since the problem occured because of inaccurate installation and grounding, the module will be rebuilt and completely recabled. Also the r/w connectors at the high voltage modules will be changed (Nicolas takes care).

-        Thomas will ask Ivan Deloose once more to help with then BD FEC, which switched off spontaneously several times. It might be necessary to invite Paul VdB once more to check his application.  

-        Thomas wants to buy a multicusp source from IAP Frankfurt to replace the test source at the separator. Price ~5k€.

-        The tests with a A/q=2 beam (preparation for the AlF run) start beginning of next week.

-        Richard found various C-foils, but all 100ug or thicker. Thomas will try to get some lighter ones in Heidelberg. Anyway there will be several foils available on a modified aperture wheel in BD4 in front of the bender to test the stripping of the F and O ions during the AlF run.

-        Concerning the next steps of the REX energy upgrade Thomas was asking once more for some input from the physics side to decide how energy variable the machine should be. A decision will be made now at the upgrade group meeting in October.

GSI is willing to give four 20° bending magnets for the high energy beam line after the 4.2 MeV/u upgrade. They want to have a detailed request until October.





-        The board for the new control system expert has been held. The chosen candidate is Nicolai Trofimov whose contract will start on 1. October.

-        Mats will ask Ivan Deloose if he can help with the control system during September and also provide some knowledge transfer to Nicolai Trofimov.






Minutes by Thomas