Minutes from the REX integration meeting hold on 7/7/2004


Present: Mats Lindroos, Luis Fraile, Lisa Willenegger, Pierre Delahaye


1- Control system

v     The FECMAIN program for the beam diagnostics is definitively showing failures quite often. It fails every couple of hours. Ivan Deloose has been asked to fix this problem when he is back from vacation on 18th of July.

v     The order of the NI electronic parts and software which have to be used as the basis of the new control system has been sent (Twincat programs and Profibus master PC interface card).

2- REXTRAP status

v     Michael O’neil accepted to look at the broken optical to TTL connection box. It is already repaired; however Michael wants to change some components to make it more reliable.

v     Lisa the student of Peter Butler should join Romain to do the last tests of rotating wall cooling with REXTRAP as soon as this box is ready.

v     The Li ion source sample should be put in place at the end of the week possibly by Lisa and Anne, the other summer student of Peter.

v     The LMU emittance meter has been removed and given to Ivan. At its place on the WITCH beam line the silicone detector has been installed. Tests should start when Fredrik is back with Lisa and possibly Anne.

3-REXEBIS status

v     The outer vacuum chamber (OVC) is still pumped. Now that the temperature is becoming higher (100K measured by means of the Allan Bradley resistors) the outgasing rate is quite big. The pressure inside the OVC this morning was 3 x10-2 mbar before the daily pumping.

v     Nicolas David has finished to install the Spellman 6kV supply in the EBIS cage. Electrical installation inside the racks should be improved. From what he observed there is no straight way to switch off completely the racks one by one.


4- LINAC status

v     Mats got from the RF group that the commissioning of the last amplifier was not so easy. More details from Thomas in the near future.

5- Guests

v     Welcome to Lisa Willenegger and Anne Holm who will work for two months on REX-ISOLDE and MINIBALL experiments.



Minutes taken by Pierre Delahaye