Minutes from the REX integration meeting hold on 1/7/2004


Present: Mats Lindroos, Richard Scrivens, Romain Savreux, Pierre Delahaye


1- Control system

v     Some problems appeared after the successful migration of the FEC computers to XP. The computers were rebooting quite often. This is now fixed. A new discovered problem is the quite frequent crash of the FECMAIN program on the beam diagnostic FEC computer. Ivan Deloose has been contacted to this subject. He should have a look at it when he is back from vacation 18/7.

v     The position for REX at AB/CO has been posted

v     Romain will start to work on the new labview based control system in next September. A visit to GSI is foreseen at the beginning of this month by Romain and Pierre.

v     Romain could possibly also visit the LPC laboratory (Caen, France) to learn about the control system they developed for the LPC-trap collaboration experiment. They use the labwindows/CVI program, more objects oriented than labview.

v     Support for the new labview based CS could be possibly given by CERN. Richard also proposed his services since he has a good experience with this program, as well as Tomas Fritioff.


2- REXTRAP status

v     Rotating wall cooling tests couldn’t be continued because an optical fiber to TTL connection box is broken. Richard contacted Michael O’Neil who accepted to have a look at it. The logical pulse for the ejection of the ions was sent by this box. No spare was found in the REX cupboards. It appears necessary to get our own spare for these. Pierre or Romain will take care of that.

v     Except for this box the trap is actually operational.


3-REXEBIS status

v     The outer vacuum chamber (OVC) of the magnet is pumped during the day time following the instructions of Fredrik. During pumping the vacuum reached is 6. 10-6 mbar, whereas 5.10-5 is required by the manual. After pumping and closing the valve the pressure comes up to 4.10-4. It is hoped that with this repeated pumping one could get rid of any water stuck in the OVC which would explain the high LHe boil-off.

v     Richard will need to get back the roughing pump and the fan that he brought for this operation on Monday the 12th. At this date Fredrik is planning to cool down the magnet. LHe in big amount (>400 l) has to be ordered for that.

v     Nicolas David is actually working to install a Spellman 6kV supply in the EBIS cage


4- LINAC status

v     The RF group is actually working on the RF amplifier for the new 200MHz section to reach the energy of 3 MeV/u.



Minutes taken by Pierre Delahaye