from REX meeting 2004-09-29
Present: Pierre Delahaye, Mats Lindroos (chair), Georgi Georgiev, Richard Scrivens, Thomas Sieber, Luis Fraile, Peter Butler, Ivan Poddera,
Fredrik Wenander
General issues
* A draft of the
minutes should be sent to the closest REX group, to be approved by it, before
they are published for the general public.
* The 27th
of Oct there will be a ‘Meeting on REX-ISOLDE low-energy stage operation’ with
the people involved.
* An invitation
to ‘ECR Charge breeding Workshop
* The newly
employed control engineer will after the introduction be asked if he can modify
the EBIS control system for slow extraction. In case assistance is needed, Joakim Cederkall has agreed on
spending two weeks on the problem in the beginning of next year.
* Ivan Podadera requested to borrow the
* Due to the
problematic start the Mg run has been prolonged until
* A
checkup of this year’s expenses should be done within the next weeks to optimize
the spending.
* A
draft for the budget 2005 has been compiled by Thomas and is attached as a
separate document to these minutes. Input from the REX low energy part is still
missing, as well as from the control group. The budget is to be discussed at
the REX meeting the 13th Oct.
The 9,11Li Run was discussed briefly. Advantages and drawback of different trap
buffer gases as Ne and Ar
were discussed in addition to the option of using a stripper foil in the end of
the Linac to reduce the residual gas contamination.
* On
Monday evening 27th Oct REX was given the beam for the Mg run from
GPS. The low energy part was setup successfully. Transmission GPS to REXTRAP
close to 100%; the trap was setup with 45-50% efficiency; a record efficiency
of 18% of K+ to K18+ for the EBIS was obtained.
The water leak in the EBIS (see below) resulted in 100-200 l water on the roof
of the trap cage. The blue tarpaulin saved the trap (this time also), even if
some of the water penetrated the protection. The trap has been tested with HT
after the drying up.
* The
release valve for the REXTRAP LN2 dewar
should be checked by TIS as it doesn’t seem to release at 4 bar as specified.
* A water leak
appeared on the Tuesday morning from on of the collector cooling tubes. The
tubes are brittle due to aging and a different type should be installed during
next shutdown. Possible a protection plate should also be installed, preventing
the electronics from being water sprayed. All old water tubes were exchanged
after this week’s water leakage.
* The water leak
was extremely unfortunate as it sprayed the top of the electronics rack and the
electronics (vacuum controllers and gauges, power supplies, control
electronics) and HV cables in two of the racks were water damaged. The
electronics had to be taken out, dried and some of it had to be repaired or
* The EBIS is now
operational again. A voltage sampling box and a Penning gauge remain to be
* Han Broere
has visited the Dressler. They are in time with the
200 MHz preamplifier. There are still problems, however, with the
spare-amplifier for the buncher. The buncher amplifier has to be removed from the REX setup
after the running period for test measurements.
* Oliver Kester
is now proof-reading the Linac section for the Yellow
report. He will add some of his calculations for the beam transport.
* An A/q of 4.2857 is foreseen for the 30Mg run, with a final energy of 2.8 MeV/u.
taken by Fredrik Wenander
ECR Charge Breeding
Open Collaboration
8-9th of November 2004
Dear Colleagues,
We are organizing an
ECR Charge Breeding Workshop and open collaboration meeting at CERN on the
8-9th of November, 2004.
In the open IS397
collaboration meeting we would like to discuss the outcome the ECR charge
breeding technology for radioactive ions in general, this year's result at CERN
and elsewhere, and a possible future program for charge breeding of radioactive
ions at ISOLDE.
We would very much
like to ask for further oral contributions to this workshop. Please contact us
with a title and abstract if you are interested in participating.
A preliminary program
The workshop will
begin at
The general framework
and outline of each day is below:
Monday, 8 November
Current Status of
ECRIS Charge Breeding
1 Overview Charge Breeding
ECRIS, EBIS, and other methods
2 Current ECRIS Charge Breeding
Tuesday, 9 November
Future Prospect with
ECRIS Charge Breeding
Framework 6
2 ECRIS Charge Breeding - New Projects
Speakers and call for
Speakers will include
(updates of the program on the web):
Prof. Richard Geller
Dr. Friedhelm Ames (TRIUMF)
Dr. Tomas Fritioff (ISOLDE)
Dr Fredrik Wenander
Prof. Oliver Kester (LMU)
Monday Evening Meal
There will be the
opportunity to meet for dinner on Monday evening at a local restaurant. If you
are interested in joining us, please indicate how many people you would like to
bring with you and we will make the reservation at a local restaurant.
Registration and
workshop information
registration forms for this workshop, information on how to book accommodations,
the workshop program, and other information can be found on the workshop
website at
on http://cern.ch/ECR-Workshop
We hope to see you in
Charles Barton,
Tomas Fritioff, Tomas.fritioff@cern.ch
Mats Lindroos, mats.lindroos@cern.ch