Minutes from REX integration meeting 14/7/2004


Present: Mats Lindroos (chair), Luis Fraile, Pierre Delahaye, Fredrik Wenander



1. Planning and general issues

* No changes to the REX operation schedule foreseen until now.


* Beam should be on time for IS423. Beam tuning support by the EIC from HRS to REXTRAP is requested.

The target at the HRS is most likely going to be displaced by 10 mm. This will complicate the beam transport at ISOLDE.


* The future run with AlF was discussed. A large (10 nA) contamination of CO2 with A=44 coincides with the AlF, therefore another carrier such as Ca, Ba, La has to be considered. The creation efficiencies, the breakup in the trap, the beam intensities and the test schedule has to be discussed with Ulli, Pierre, Fredrik and Luis at some point.


* At some point test of SeCO+ injection into the EBIS has to be carried out.




* Some complementary tests with the rotative wall cooling (efficiency vs beam intensity, amplitude) are carried out by Romain Savreux and Ivan Podadera.


* The Trap beam gate was not working. A failing NIM to TTL converter was the reason. Now exchanged.


* The installation of the Li-prepared ion source to the Trap has to be postponed until after the 27/7.


* The pumping on the EBIS OVC was stopped on Monday morning. A pressure of 1.1E-4 mbar was reached. The EBIS solenoid was thereafter cooled down again and energised. Too early to say if the boil-off rate has been improved or not. Electron beam running in the EBIS.


* Lisa and Anne have started setting up the electronics for the Si and scintillator detectors after the trap and the REX mass separator, respectively. Tests will be carried out in connection the next run with radioactive beam.


* The three REX FECs have to be rebooted frequently; particularly the Beam Diagnostics FEC. Ivan Deloose will look into the problem. After the upgrade to XP the EBIS FEC has problems with the VME card. The vectors sent to the GFAS modules are not correct. In this state the EBIS can not be operated, and one has to consider changing back to NT OS. Joakim and Ivan Deloose are addressing the problem.



Notes by Fredrik Wenander