Minutes from REX integration meeting 28/4/2004


Present: Mats Lindroos, Luis Fraile, Pierre Delahaye, Fredrik Wenander, Thomas Sieber, Richard Scrivens



1. Planning and budget

* The IS399 run (Li to the Madrid group) has been cancelled. The reason being detector problems in the experimental setup.

* Possibly 5 shifts with Eu (IS416) could be scheduled instead.

* Preliminary the Miniball run starts the 19th of July.

* Three days of beam time was requested to finish the tests with AlF and SeCO in the low energy section of REX. Luis will look into dates.

* Until now a total of 92916 CHF has been spent (ISOLDE team account and Munich account). The total limit for the year is 197 kCHF.




* The rap continues with the emittance measurements using sideband and rotative wall cooling.

* HV sparking is occurring somewhere in the cage. Under investigation.

* On Monday 16:30 a meeting with Jacques Lettry will take place to discuss how Li can be produced in the REXTRAP ion source.




* The FUG 60 kV for the EBIS platform was broken last week. Repaired today, and tests foreseen for tomorrow. A set of spare parts will be bought for the supply.

* A leak current on extractor II appeared this weekend. Fortunately it was traced to the connecting cable and not a problem inside the vacuum.

* Stable ions from the REXTRAP ion source are to be injected into the EBIS next week.

* An investigation of the high LqHe boil-off rate has started.



4. Linac

* Conditioning of the 200 MHz resonator progresses well. 90 kW out of 100 kW reached without problem in the resonator. Before higher power levels can be tried, the amplifier has to be checked by Bedermann.

* Ivan Deloose and Jose Marques will maybe have a look for a remote control of the 200 MHz amplifier.

* The remote control for the triplet remains as an open question.

* The mass separator will be dismantled tomorrow Thursday to repair non-working BD and exchange leaking feed-throughs.

* One control unit for the BD has been sent back for repair to Leuven. Paul van der Bergh is occupied with the problem.



5. Misc

* Beam settings from GPS and HRS to REXTRAP done by the EICs were requested.

* For coolant filling, Richard Scrivens, Michael O’neil and Christian Mastrostefano are available in case of a second person is needed.

* Next meeting is foreseen for the 6th of May, 16:00. The ISOLDE EICs will be invited to discuss knowledge transfer to them.

* The ISOLDE server has a hardware problem causing the machine to stop occasionally. Looked into by IT technicians and Ivan Deloose.

* The LqN2 dewars for REXTRAP, REXEBIS and Miniball are being pumped by the cryolab, and the relief valve are checked by TIS.



Notes by Fredrik Wenander