Minutes from REX integration meeting 23/4/2004


Present: Mats Lindroos (chair), Luis Fraile, Pierre Delahaye, Fredrik Wenander, Thomas Sieber, Ivan Podadera



1. Planning

* Two blocks of REX runs are scheduled, 23/5 ->, and 11/7 -> 

* An off-line Li test should be carried out before the IS399 experiment to test Ar cooling in the trap, beam transport between trap and EBIS.



2. Control system

* Ivan Deloose estimates 3 man-weeks to upgrade the control system to XP. The migration should be ready by end of June.

* Three other tasks have been asked for after June

      slow extraction from the EBIS

      implementation of the 200 MHz amplifier

      implementation of the magnet triplet

Thomas will ask if it is possible to start on the two latter projects already now. For the slow extraction Nicolas de Metz-Noblat or ???? should be contacted.

* The two Leuven computers should be installed in the control room, operative system Windows 2000. Magnus Eriksson contacted for this.

* The price for two framegrabbers and an optical card for the Hall probe is ~3500 euro. Purchased by Thomas.




* The molecule tests gave the following efficiencies inside the trap:

      Se+         8%

      SeCO+       60%

      AlF+        6% (possibly a factor two larger)

      F+          0%

* During the test we had problems with the tuning of the beam transport from the HRS to the REXTRAP.

* The PROFIBUS stopped and could not easily be restarted, neither with a reboot of the VME, nor by switching it on and off. In case of PLC/PROFIBUS problems Marc Delrieux or Ismael Vadillo can be contacted.

* A request for assistance with the beam transport from the GPS and HRS to REXTRAP was put forward.




* The vacuum in the EBIS is improving, but still worse than last year. This could be explained by less performing pump on the gun side and lower bake-out temperature with the new baking system. The baking system also had a few interruptions due to ground faults, something that should be avoided as unnecessary stress is introduced in the system. 

* The LqHe consumption of the EBIS is doubled. The explanation for this is not clear, as all precautions have been taken during the cooling down to reduce the boil-off.

* Three channels (out of 8) in the two TREK supplies for the inner and outer steerers are broken. Two could not easily be repaired. Since the supplies were repaired last time this shutdown, replacement supplies should be purchased.

* The mass separator is operational, but the vacuum is poor and the two MCPs are not working.



5. Linac

* The amplifier for the second 7-gap resonator is tested with a dummy load.

* The conditioning of the 200 MHz resonator has started; behaves well.

* Jose Marques is working together with Ivan Deloose with the remote control for the 200 MHz amplifier.

* The RF workshop takes care of the lead shielding that is falling down from the 7-gap resonators.

* The triplet behind the 9-gap resonator has no remote control.

* Thomas is satisfied with the work of Nicolas David for the power supplies. Fredrik agrees.

* The Danfysik power supplies should be replaced by Heidelberg supplies.

* The Coulotron beam view system is re-installed after repair. A spare one is ordered.

* A valve has been installed at the 3rd straight beam line.

* The amplifier room will be locked in the future. The key is found in the key box in the ISOLDE control room.



6. Misc

* B. Hadorn in the ABP-HSL section has started the categorization of some REX drawings.

* An old telescope is still requested from the alignment group.

* The low energy and control part of the Yellow report is nearly finished.

* Thomas has written a document with REX operation guidelines to be distributed to the users. Input from the REX responsible is requested.

* The question how to operate REX during beam time with the limited manpower was raised.


Notes by Fredrik Wenander