Ni run
* Graphite transfer
line to speed up the release of short lived isotopes
* To reduce the
fraction of Ga, 5 consecutive proton pulses were
taken on the target with the beam gate closed, thereafter beam gate open for
the remaining part of the super cycle.
* At A=70, the Ga to Ni ratio was too high, Miniball
therefore went to 68Ni.
Rough yield analysis gives: 68Ni 1.5E6/uC, 68Ga
1.8E7/uC (typo before!), 69Ni 3E5/uC, 70Ni 5E4/uC, 70Ga 4E7/uC. Thus 68Ni is
about 20% lower than last time (RILIS efficiency?), while 69Ni is 3 times
higher and 70Ni 5 times higher than last time due to faster release.
Ga background might be the worse
problem than low Ni yields, but since Ga is much
faster released a good suppression factor (>>10) could be obtained by
opening the beam gate only few seconds after the proton impact. This requires
however to run with only e.g. every 3rd proton pulse or with e.g. 4 consecutive
proton pulses, then 3 seconds delay and then 7.8 seconds of beamgate
isotope run:
breeding time: 98 ms, peak charge at 19+
* For 70Ni19+ we have 7 pA on BTS.FC20 and 9 pA on RFQ.FC20 (all pulses 1E13 p/p)
* For 68Ni
we have 8 pA on trap inj
plate, 3.5 pA on BTS.FC20 and 4.6 pA
on RFQ.FC20(19+) (all pulses 1E13 p/p)
* Trap 62% for 39K+ from
* EBIS 20% for 39K10+ from
* Linac
* The low repetition rate (10 Hz) was imposed by duty
cycle limitations in the Linac.
technical problems:
* TRAP running stable the whole run but TRAP CS
computer stopped, the hardware kept on running
running stable the whole run, small problem with inner steerer
* 200 MHZ amplifier had serious problems with the anode capacitor, could
be repaired once more by putting new capton layers,
operation afterwards very unstable
* Rest of the Linac and magnet power supplies as well as the control
system was running without one single interruption
lessons learned:
* With a good injection into the EBIS for K, high
charge states could be reached for Ni.
* For the next 70Ni run it could be
beneficial with a stripper foil after the linac to
move the Ga charge state distribution away from the
one of Ni.
* We have to discuss seriously if we continue operation with the 200 MHz
amplifier, rf-group will make long term decision
concerning repair.
* The new
rf-control is much more than only a quick, temporary
solution. It is actually better than what the rf-group
has for Linac 2 and 3.