Kr run autumn
Target issues:
* Target number #311. UCx, Mk7
* First
Ar95%/Xe5% mixture, then Kr/Ar/Xe/Ne/He
mixture for the setup
* Proton scan for 90Kr saved in ..iso/isotape/UC/311/90kr1.csv
* Ran at (270E10) or 600E10 protons per pulse for 88Kr and
2E13 p/p for 92Kr
run: 88Kr21+ and 92Kr22+
time: 70 ms for 21+ and 98 ms for 22+
* For 12/12 pulses, 1.1E13 p/p with 88Kr we had:
TRAP inj
plate = 100 pA; BTS.FC20 = 22 pA
(incl Ne etc); RFQ.FC20 38 pA for 21+;
* For 12/12 pulses, 1.1E13 p/p with 92Kr we had:
TRAP inj plate = 20-40 pA; BTS.FC20 = 15 pA (incl Ne etc); RFQ.FC20 8-9 pA for 21+;
* Trap: 52% efficiency for stable 132Xe
(10 ms beam gate for 9.5 Hz);
Trap: 17% for stable 84Kr (2 ms beam gate, 90
pA on inj plate);
(the large Ne peak is substracted)
Trap: 15% for radioactive 88Kr (open beam
(We did not recheck the Ne
fraction. We saw with 84Kr the fraction depended on the amount of Kr. This may
explain the higher EBIS efficiency for 88Kr.)
Trap: ~25% (very uncertain) for radioactive
92Kr (open beam gate);
(two large peaks at lighter masses with ~50% of the current)
EBIS: 10.5% for 84Kr20+ (90 ms breeding time)
EBIS: 12.5% for 88Kr21+ (70 ms breeding time,
no beam gate)
EBIS: ~5% (very uncertain) for 92Kr22+ (98 ms breeding time, no beam
* Total Trap+EBIS efficiency 1.8% for 88Kr21+
* Total Trap+EBIS efficiency 1.3% for 92Kr22+
* Linac transmission: 76% for 88Kr21+
* 2.19 MeV/u
* The trap gives 1/3 of Ne in the
* Running with 9.5 Hz even with 70 ms breeding time. (At set
up time we thought the 9-gap would be needed, but they did not need it at the
last minute.)
* Limitation in 88Kr intensity was given by RP.
Doserate ~ 400 microSv/h
at contact of the trap roughing pump and PAXY11 stable at 12 microSv/h at 50 cm away from the pump for 1.1E13 12/12
protons and 88Kr.
After the trap, at the EBIS-BTS bellow and at the mass
separator slit ~100 uSv/.
technical problems:
* Siemens
* Fredrik and Pierre can go to a