Be run autumn 2005


Target issues:

* Target number #308, Ta rolls, W surface ioniser


REX issues

isotopes run: 12Be4+ and 11Be3+


breeding time: 18 ms for 4+ and 10 ms for 3+



* For 12/12 pulses, 2E13 p/p with 12Be4+:

No currents seen anywhere for 12Be


* For 12/12 pulses, 2E13 p/p with 11Be3+:

Nothing seen on the injection plate (large offset);

BTS.FC20=1.5-2 pA; RFQ.FC20=0.6-0.8 pA; BL2.FC10=0.6 pA


(An average 11Be of about 10E5/sec at the experiment, after the collimator)



* GPS.FC490 to REXTRAP: 80-95% (checked with 9Be and 7Li beam)

(Varied since the magnet calibration drifted.)


Ne buffer gas (6.6-6.8 V)

* Trap: 20% efficiency for stable 7Li (short beam gate, 20 ms cooling time);

   Trap: 23% efficiency for stable 9Be (10 ms beam gate, 20 ms cooling)

* EBIS: 13% for 7Li3+ (15 ms breeding time)

  EBIS: 13% for 7Li2+ (5 ms breeding time)

  EBIS: 20% for 9Be3+ (10 ms breeding time)

  EBIS: 12% for 11Be3+ (10 ms and 6.7 V)


Ar buffer gas (5.3 V)

* Trap: 5% efficiency for 6Li (cooling time 20 ms)

* EBIS: 8% efficiency for 6Li3+ (breeding time 16 ms) 

* Linac transmission: ~85% for 11Be3+ (to BL2.DC10)


Linac energy:

            * 2.24-2.25 MeV/u (9-gap cavity not used)



* We used isotopically enriched 20Ne (~500 euro for 1.5 l atm)

* For 11Be we used 20Ne and then Ar as buffer gas.

* The experiment saw an increase in the beam rate 20 min before we ran out of 20Ne gas in the trap.

* We used stripper foils 50 ug/cm2 to convert 11Be3+ to 11Be4+ and decrease the remaining parasitic 22Ne.


technical problems:

* Magnet calibration drifted for light masses.

            * Miniball venting at the end of the run triggered the RF to switch off in the Linac.

            * Discharges inside the trap with running with Ar as buffer gas higher than 5.3 V.


lessons learned:

* The trap can be operated with 100 Hz with maintained efficiency compared with 50 Hz. Tried with stable Li so far.

            * Lasers have to be retuned when the isotope is changed.

* The EBIS efficiency for Be can be improved by adding He gas to enhance the ion-ion cooling.